To understand this passage could be necessary to read the previous one on the same subject. (click here if you wanto to read it) , the content of which we summarize here for convenience.

Introduction statement: Using the Aristotelian definitions of SUBSISTENCY, RELEVANCE, ACCIDENT, we say that we know the content of the material universe by coming into contact with accidents which are its manifestation. It's very important therefore that must not be confused each other the accidental and the substantial. The relationship between substance and accident is real-modal.

Postulate : accordingly the introduction statement let's postulate that the matter (the accidents) is NOT eternal, and that all its elementary components, those that make up atoms are the result of a transformation of energy..

Nebulosa di orione Orion nebula
The M42 Nebula (ORION)

Inference : The fact that the matter is not eternal, does it mean that the classic spacial dimensions aren't enough to describe the universe, and that there's at least another dimension that allows us to conceive its non-eternity.
               Albert Einsyein a true amazing genius

Recent scientific knowledges: physical theories tell us that there was not only one 'big bang', but many, and scattered through our universe. Matter and time has been created just at 'the big bang' instant. The continuum space-time has been created with it's four dimensions height z, width,x, width y, and TIME.. In the so said "annus mirabiliis", that is the year 1915, the Great scientist Albert Einstein formulated and publicated his own relativity theory. He demonstated both theoretically and practically that an objetc moving with increasig speed has the property of deformating this continuum space-time, increasing his own mass and shortening his own time. He also demonstated that the equivalence matter-energy with the famous E = mc^2 equivalence. and the others. The more simple one of these equations is

Formula di variazione della massa

m  = relative mass of the object
mo = initial mass (rest mass)
c   = light speed
v   = speed of the object

Formula della dilatazione del tempo

Time variation (Dilatation of the time)
to= time when v = 0
t = time when v # 0
Delta t = Time passing when the oject is at rest
Delta to = time passing when the object is moving.
Delta is a differenze calculated in respect to the same initial time.

Now I hear on television cultural broadcasting a scientist saying that at the big-bang moment there was nothing and because beeing an atheist he said that the big-bang happened randomnessly (?), for something as misterious concentration of energy in some focuses point. (?)

I don't agree about that, because

  • how can random happen something if nothing exists. The time 'before' the big-bang didn't exist yet.
  • if nothing exists, where did the needed energy come to create the space-time continuum and it's content?

If time and space have no meaning, the energy needed to create all the matter contained in the universe should be somehow come from a transformation because otherwise it is not logical that can appear,and the matter couldn't have possibility to exist.
Thus the needed energy would come by the other dimension that exists beyond our spacetime system,

Then there was only one of the speeches of the uppersaid scientist that i found coherent: when he said that in the whole universe the energy balance is zero. In fact he said that presumably the amount of matter and anti-matter are the same, and this is the reason why the total amount energy in our universe is 0. This fact says us that other universes,could exists in other dimensions.


CONCLUSIONS: my poor opinin of ignorant and rough engineer is

  1. There's no randomness in the creation of the universe - let's say the so called big bang -
  2. Before the creation of our universe there was 'something', because the existence of 'nothing' (or the null) are not a logical conclusion. Otherwise from where or when or what and how the matter could have been generated.?
  3. It's clear that an accident can't subsist without the substance from what it does descends. The relation between essence and its accidents id the real-modal.. That is, the existence of matter therefore also implies the existence of the substance - the essence - existing in and of itself, from which the accident 'matter' descended, AND is separable, contingent or transient.
  4. The total amount energy in our universe (matter+ antimatter) is 0. This fact says us that other universes,could exists in other dimensions beeing created by the same source..

All the upperdsaid is which suggests at the universe origin itself has begun by a voluntary act, and thererefore rational. is is true even more, given that the physical laws that govern inflexibly and rationally e universe cannot be derived but by GOD who created the universe whose total energy balance is ZERO..



«La mia religione consiste in una umile ammirazione dell’illimitato e superiore Spirito che rivela se stesso negli esili dettagli che noi siamo capaci di percepire con il nostro fragile e flebile pensiero. La profonda emotiva convinzione di una Ragione superiore (a superior reasoning Power), come si rivela in un universo incomprensibile, questo forma la mia idea di Dio»

«My religion consists in a humble admiration of the unlimited and superior Spirit who reveals himself in the subtle details that we are capable of perceiving with our fragile and feeble thought. The deep emotional conviction of a superior reasoning Power, as revealed in an incomprehensible universe, this forms my idea of God»

Albert Einstein

The Holy Face