SUBSISTENCE is existence itself, while ACCIDENT is what, adding to the substance, modify, refine and complete the substance itself; the subsistence stands different from PERTINENCE, which is the existence of the ACCIDENT.
The accident may descend from the essence and then we have an accident own and necessary; or it can be separable, contingent or passenger, then we have an accident in strict sense: 'quod adest vel abest sine corruptione substantiae', which means:what is present or absent, without being any change of substance.
Generally we can know the substance coming into contact with own accidents, which are its manifestation. It's very important therefore that must not be confused each other the accidental and the substantial. The distinction between substance and accident is real-modal.
Abandoning the pure reasoning, let's speak now of the matter that we experience: it can consist of atoms oganized or disorganized respectively as in crystals and molecules - we know that a molecule is defined as the smallest part of the substance which maintains physical and chemical properties of the substance itself - however any existing matter in universe it's supposed to be composed of atomic materials.
Accordingly the introduction statement let's postulate that matter is NOT eternal, and that all its elementary components, those that make up atoms are the result of a transformation. While the matter is not eternal, it can be said that it may cease to be such and turn into something else that doesn't have in itself any material element. To exist, we know that the matter requires dimensional elements, ie height width and depth, that is, space to be occupied.
The fact that the matter is not eternal, it means that the spatial dimensions aren't enough to describe the universe, and that there's at least another dimension that allows us to conceive its non-eternity.
Namely,the existence of matter involves, in addition to the space, the existence of another dimension that we all know: time. The raw material, ie, the set of atoms that constitute the universe, and their elementary components with attributes or forms space and time, is thus a real accident in strictest sense.
Now it is clear that an accident can't exist without the substance from which it descends. the existence of matter thus also implies the existence of the substance which exists in and of itself, from which descended the accident 'matter', which is separable, contingent or passenger.
Let us call Encoristhéma (word made from greek ενέργεια: energy, χωρίς: wiout, θέμα: argument) an entity subsisting at least in one different dimension, and independent of our space, which exists beyond the four dimensions that we experience and is added to and overlaps them, th at is the substance from which descends the accident that we call 'matter'.
To the question: What is the ' ENCORISTHÉMA from physical point of view? is answered with simple reasoning:
- Let's consider a hypoetical cube of any material, and extract ideally from it more and more smaller cubes. From the dimensional point of view, as it happens for segments of a line, one could continue indefinitely extracting cubes increasingly small, but inside each cube would always exist something until it comes to the size of the smallest particle of an atom of matter contained withiin it.
Below these dimensions another ideal cube smaller of the smallest particle does contain nothing. It would have no dimension because it contains nothing, and therefore this space bit would not exist. that's clearly a false statement.
- Let's take a glass tube sealed at both ends and let's do empty with a vacuum pump. Even if we could get out the last single molecule or atom of gas or vapor, the physical properties of inner space experimentally would not change significantly. Inide the tube thus always it remains 'something', even if it is not constituted by material; the 'absolute vacuum' therefore does not exist because the matter coexists with something that gives the empty space its properties. this is someing that we call encoriséma that's superimposed on the matter in another dimension, which is added to those experienced by our senses. the interparticle spaces devoid of material elements actually are not really empty.
- Encoriséma exists independently of matter, but the opposite isn't true. In our universe there's contained an unimaginable amount of matter . If all this matter, including particles that make up the radiation energy itself, cease to exist, there would remain only encoristéma and the peculiar dimension in which it exists. Speaking about spatial dimensions and time in this case would not have more sense and the universe, as we know it, would not exist anymore. But where would go the energy produced by the complete annihilation of matter, and which nature would it have?
If time and space have no meaning, the energy produced by annihilation of all the matter contained in the universe should be somehow transformed, because it is not logical that can disappear, oththerwise the matter couldn't have no possibility to exist. It would thus be conveyed in the other dimension that exists beyond our spacetime system, and it will flow into the Encoristhéma, that's the only entity belonging to a dimension independent of our experimental space, which, however, must co-exist with it. As mentioned before Encoristhéma has some specific features: it is the only entity belonging to a dimension independent of our experimental space, which, however, must co-exist with it. As mentioned before Encoristhéma it has then some specific features:
1) is not degradable, and therefore eternal, and as said before has no discontinuity. Having a different nature from at of the electromagnetic radiation, because it is not made up of material of any kind, in its dimension space and time as we know it does not have sense;
2) is maximally simple as it has in itself no other component;
3) is ubiquitous, because if it were not coexisting with the matter, would have one or more discontinuities confined using spatial coordinates. And this wouldn't be possible because it doesn't has our dimensions. Also, if it wasn`t superimposed to the matter and not coexisting with, the interatomic and interparticle spaces would be void, and the matter should coexist with nothingness;
4) is both a metaphysical and natural entity: it is metaphysical, because laying in a dimension different from what we know (τά φυσικά) and coexists with; but despite being immeasurable, interacts with matter, although we can not detect and measure it. If it coexists with matter we can say that it is also natural;
5) gave origin to the matter: if the matter NOT always existed, it can only result from a reverse transformation of something existing beyond the dimensions of space and time; since we cannot any way detect the presence of pure energy, but just think that there is, let's say that the matter is not produced but created;
6) it is an infinite of higher order, unchanged and unchanging: If is were not so, it would it be exhausted by creating matter. In is case, nothing should coexist with the material itself, both outside and inside of it, and this is not true..
If we say that e matter is not eternal,
Note of phisics: e recent physical eories tell us at ere was not only one 'big bang', but many, and scattered rough e universe, which suggests at e origin of e universe itself has begun by a voluntary act, and erefore rational. is is true even more , given at e physical laws at govern inflexibly and rationally e universe cannot be derived but by e Encoriséma.
- added in Aug 2018 : the existence of dark matter, antimatter and other formations present in the universe in my opinion do not contradict the initial postulate, the hypothesis of the non-eternity of every kind of matter, because it can not be otherwise that traced back to some form of primordial energy
