Back from his trip to Canada, from 24 to 30 July 2022, as is customary on papal travels, His Holiness Pope Francis gave a press conference during the return trip to Rome.
In addition to the previous ones, some questions from journalists shed new light on the interpretations of this trip to Canada. In particular I choose this one that follows.

An illustrious cultural genocide. He
created Europe and our World
Brittany Hobson, from the Canadian news agency: «Good afternoon, Pope Francis. You have often said that it is necessary to speak clearly, honestly, directly and frankly.
You know that the Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission has described the college system as cultural genocide; and this expression has simply been corrected to genocide.
People who heard your apologetic words this week complained that the term genocide was not explicitly used. Would you use this term or would you recognize that Church members participated in this genocide?»
Pope Francis: «True, I did not use this word because it did not come to my mind, but I described the genocide and I apologized, sorry for that work which was genocide.
For example, I also condemned this: taking children away from the family, changing the culture, changing the mind, changing traditions, changing the race, let's say, of a whole culture. Yes, it's a technical word - genocide - but I didn't use it because it didn't occur to me. But I described it was true, yes, it was genocide, yes, yes, take it easy. You say I said yes, it was genocide. Thank you.»
However, during his visit, the Holy Father was able to specify three very important and significant facts implicitly contained in his speeches:
- he denied certain incredible and horrendous insinuations of malicious enemies of the Church, who immediately started on hearing the news of the discovery of mass graves of children in religious institutes.
- He clarified the responsibility of the 'cultural genocide'. Forced assimilation of the natives, which included the forced teaching of the Christian religion to the very young natives, was an initiative of the Canadian government intended to integrate the natives themselves into so-called civil society.
- He confirmed that the faith that natives today profess, apparently in the majority, is a 'gift' from God, even if it was transmitted by means not suited to being Christians. After all, a similar thing happened centuries earlier in Latin America as well.
AN: unfortunately certain 'cultures' cannot be defined as such, because they have nothing that qualifies them as belonging to the definition of culture.
They are actually primitive elementary behaviors - anthropologically rational but similar to instinctuals (like that of chimpanzees) - that barely could ensure the survival of a tribe of Stone Age nomads in the face of natural forces. Some call them primitive evolutionary cultures.
CULTURE; WHAT? a cultural element is everything that contributes to the formation of the individual on an intellectual and moral level and to the acquisition of the awareness of the role that belongs to him in society; on a concrete level, it is made up of the complex patrimony of knowledge and experience acquired.
The experiences of cultural character can be acquired from the practice of life - eg a tourist enriches his culture by visiting Pompeii - but mainly through study, for the purpose of a specific preparation in one or more fields of knowledge,
Examples: make yourself a c .; a man of great c .; have a solid c. musical, historical, literary ...
Summary: aboriginal boarding schools in Canada and slaughter of innocents. - this has always been known since the 19th century - the particular environmental factors of Canada and the population - a minimum of news is needed before talking nonsense - who were the organizers and cold propagators of the dramatic news (already known by more than one century) to the detriment of the Catholic Church
The object of the deception is the bloody lies that are told about the crimes of the Catholic Church, for which the guilty appear exclusively to be Catholic educators.
Moreover about the atrocious violence, the mass grave bomb of children belonging to native Canadian tribes was suddenly detonated against Canadian Catholic schools, mystifying the facts and distorting the truth and numbers, as if nothing had ever been known before about the Canadian policy of assimilation of the natives.
The Canadian government had been the real responsible for this work of integration of the primitive tribes, carried out from the penultimate decade of the nineteenth century and, they say, continued particularly between 1922 and 1984. The integration work was carried out through the system of residential homes, colleges for Canadian Indian youth.
For propaganda purposes to the detriment of the Catholic Church, the malice of the enemies has exclusively attributed to this Church the alleged massacre of 50,000 children belonging to the native tribes.
Of course, initially, to impress world public opinion, the worst filth that the human mind can imagine about religious educators has been insinuated.

A class of Indian girls at a Catholic institution
Residential (Aboriginal) Colleges in Canada
The residential colleges for indigenous people were a network of educational institutions for the First Nations, that is, the so-called "Indians", Métis and Inuit. The existence of the school system began in the last decades of the 19th century, and lasted for about a century, until 1984. Over the course of almost a century of the system's existence, about 30% of indigenous children, apparently more or at least 150,000 nationwide, were placed in residential schools, and of these, it seems, slightly more than 60% survived.
Founded by the Canadian governmental structure Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, these schools were administered in the 19th and 20th centuries by the following educational organizations:
The political conduct of the Canadian government was to kidnap children, separate them from the influence of their families and their culture, assign them and entrust them to various schools to educate and study them, in order to integrate them into the dominant Canadian culture. nadá, these schools were administered in the XIX and XX centuries by the following educational organizations: 60% of the Catholic Church, since Catholicism was the predominant confession,
The existence of residential colleges has always been known:
The year 1907 (nineteenseven!) the newspaper Montreal Star, informs thay about 42% of children in the residential schools died before turning turn 16 years old, what they calls a "national shame".
The line of these residential education policies that began in the 19th century continued despite this type of denunciation, also during most of the 20th century, as we already wrote.
The great commotion that has arisen around the issue of 'cultural genocide' exclusively for political and religious reasons, in particular against the Catholic Church, yesterday and today did not take into account the following facts, common to the entire world population:
- life expectancy in the West was around 48 years. As late as the late 19th century, many people died at a young age. If in industrialized countries people died in large numbers as children and young people (see graph)
- At the beginning of the 20th century, life expectancy had increased, but only slightly.
- diseases such as typhus, smallpox, measles, rubella, scarlet fever, diphtheria, tuberculosis, etc., reduce the population of all ages, but particularly that of children and adolescents throughout the world.
After World War I, the so-called 'Spanish' flu epidemic decimated the Western population. We do not count other scattered epidemics of other more or less serious infections and the incidence of other diseases.
- The pharmacopoeia available for the treatment of diseases was very scarce until the first half of the 20th century.
I suggest looking at the history of antibiotics. Insulin, for example, was discovered in 1916 and commercialized later.
- The science of nutrition until the middle of the 20th century was practically non-existent, and common beliefs regarding digestive, metabolic processes, etc., were often completely wrong.
The consequences consisted of an incorrect or inadequate diet, and obviously weakened the most fragile subjects.

Main causes of death in industrialized countries (ITA)
Canadian Special Hard Environmental Factors
Environmental factors are one of the causes of Canada's sparse population. The inhabitants of the immense Canada in 2019 stood at 37.59 million, which is a number equal to the inhabitants of California.
The most populated area is the one near the southern borders. The territory is more than 65% uncultivated, given the latitude of the country, and the forests are still very extensive (26.5%). Mountains and lakes are very numerous and huge.
The Canadian population has a very diverse ethnic background. Canada represents an interesting reality in this regard, and it consists in the fact that many have a multiple ethnic origin: hence this country is a truly beautiful intercultural mosaic.
In order we have the following composition:
- British and Irish - about 50%
- French - about 20%
- Germans - about 10%
- Italians - about 5%
- Chinesw - 4%
- Ucrainian and Dutchman - 3%
Native Americans number about 1,700,000 people, just over 4% of the population.
Who knows what Canada is, realizes that a country where winter temperatures are very harsh and natural conditions very difficult, can only house a very limited number of people at the level of hunter-gatherer tribes such as those of 'Indians' and Eskimos.
In many cities in Canada, practically many of the roads are also covered, to allow the transit of people during the cold winter.

Those with a minimum of education also did read literature from the past and have acquired a bit of culture, not just th historical one. Even through the stories of famous authors of the 19th and early 20th centuries, one can guess what the conditions and life expectancy of all the inhabitants of Canada were, such as infant mortality and that of women who give birth in those conditions, and how many young people from primitive tribes could probably have grown to over 16 years of age living in their natural environment. We do not have these data, of course, but logically the survivors could not be many.
After all, even in the so-called 'civilized' nations - ours - until shortly before the middle of the last century, things were not going well, neither in terms of the spread of diseases, such as tuberculosis, nor in terms of infant mortality, nor in terms of regarding the number of people who managed to exceed 16 years of age.
Only during World War II, thanks to the progress of the various sciences, life expectancy grew exponentially for everyone, including the 'Indians'.
In the United States of America, where on average the environmental conditions are less ferocious, the extermination was carried out with brutal violence, depriving the indigenous populations of livelihood sources (the slaughter of the buffalo herds that served the primitives as source of income, food, skins and tools).
However, it is estimated that no more than fifteen million nomadic hunter-gatherers throughout the United States could have lived there on their hunting grounds before colonization.
- In the US we can talk about real genocide
- In Canada NO, while the word cultural genocide makes little sense given how these populations live today and lived yesterday.
So why start a fight TODAY over facts that were already widely known since the 19th century?
The 'BAGARRE' are always organized by the 'liberals', those who define themselves as 'progressives'; Because of how they accuse and move in hatred against the Catholic Church, they are the personification of Evil.
Liberal 'progressive' gossip about the killing of children meanwhile they themselves are on the front lines as makers of endless legions of innocent angels, with abortion laws passed as women's rights, not to mention propaganda and the spread of other unnatural aberrations.
Our great Pope Francis with his trip and 'apologies' has shown how false and prestitious were the infamous accusations that were initially spread coldly and premeditated exclusively against the Catholic Church, neglecting the other actors in the alleged tragedy.
NEWS: taken from Wikipedia, from the readings of novels by Jack London and other American writers, from the vision of documentaries by National Geographic (Wild Canada), and from some editions of the monthly magazine "National Geographic" in English to which the author had been a subscriber since the 1950s
Unfortunately, today the dictatorship of RELATIVISM is in force, in particular of the so-called 'cultural' one. In general relativism maintains that an absolute truth does not exist, or, even if it does exist, it is not knowable or expressible or, alternatively, it is only partially knowable or expressable (indeed, relatively); individuals can therefore obtain only relative knowledge, as each statement refers to particular factors and is true only in reference to them.
Costantine, the cultural
genocide who made Christianity
the official religion of the Empire.
The anthropological pretext on which modern relativism is based is fixed on noting how human societies and groups have evolved and exist where certain types of actions are judged right or wrong on the basis of laws and customs that in other societies are judged totally in opposite way.
The strange thing is that the Catholic Church, which should fight the relativism that is the enemy of the absolute truths of the Gospel, agrees to define 'cultural genocide' that which has instead been the work - albeit violent - of civilization and humanization of many aspects of those that barely can be defined as 'culture', because they have nothing pertinent to the very definition of culture.
In my opinion, it makes no sense to talk about culture and cultural genocide when it comes to nomadic hunter-gatherer populations, who until the time of European colonization were in the Stone Age and still did not know the wheel.
If anything, one could speak of 'genocide', that is, given the number of deaths during the operation ..
But not even of 'genocide' in this case we can speak, because the Indians of Canada should have disappeared, or reduced to four cats, while instead the indigenous populations are still there. Unlike those within the USA who have been exterminated directly and indirectly - they are NOT few in number. after all, the Indian tribes who fled their reservations in the north of the USA went to Canada. Why did this happen?
I saw them flaunt outward aspects in front of the Pope - the tam-tams with their feather crowns and their chants dancing around a campfire, but in reality they are now Christians - hopefully - they are no longer nomads, they live in homes, they use appliances and cars, and above all no longer arises the pleasant custom of making raids and willingly killing among them or making slaves of those of the enemy neighboring tribes.
And it seems that there is no longer even the custom of tying captured enemies to the stake and having them tortured by Indian grannies, just for fun.
Nor the older are abandoned to die alone in the forest when they are no longer able to be of use to the tribe, but today they are given a pension.
I, who write here, have studied hardly in a Jesuit college in middle school and high school, in the 50s-60s of the last century. During about 8 years I think I have understood a little their way of thinking, and after all our Pope Francis is a Jesuite.
With this visit, the Holy Father implicitly denied certain horrendous insinuations of malicious enemies of the Church, which did start immediately upon the news of the discovery of mass graves of children.
In fact, he made it clear, even without talking about it, that it was not a question of deaths due to events of the kind that today is so fashionable to attribute to unfaithful priests.
In my opinion, the Holy Father only reiterated that the violent compulsion and forced assimilation of indigenous peoples has been a State crime, due to the numerous victims.
However, I do not believe that beatings or other phisical violence by educators caused the deaths we are talking about.
For those who know something from literature of the past centuries, the resistance to external impositions of a North American Indian could go as far as allowing himself to die in order not to give in, or to get sick and die, or to go crazy and commit suicide when forced to sleep in a bed in a closed room while he was used to sleeping outdoors, outdoors in a sleeping bag or under a 'tepee', with the fire burning in the center.

Northamerica's indians - open air people of nomadic gatherers-hunters.
The blanket in figure is given by the whites in exchange for skins
Even if by now it has in fact happened, given that generally the natives are almost all converted to Christianity and have now assimilated the way of life and the language of the conquerors, I deduce that the Pope's apology itself has been useless from their point of vue.
In fact, I believe that from the point of view of an indigenous character similar to that of their warriors, warmongers, and tough ancestors, will never really accept the excuses about their forced integration.
According to the Pope, on the part of the Canadian government this was a real crime in the past similar to the one that the Portuguese and the Spanish, and also the British and the French have perpetrated all over the world.
Otherwise why apologize? And in any case, one wonders why such excuses are used 'fait accompli', if not to reiterate that in any case apart from the rest of the colonialist impositions, the imposition of the Christian faith - even if the scope in theory does not justify the means - it was a 'GIFT' and not a crime.
If not, why talk about prayers taught to children by people who were not even Christians before? IT WOULD BE A CONTRADICTION.
In practice, the Pope apologized for the alleged crimes committed by others.
Speaking of cultural genocide we are talking about practically nothing or about something that is not to be considered a real culture.
In fact, here we are not dealing with Zarathustra, Sumerians, Icsos, the Phoenicians, the Egyptians, ancient Greece, Homer or Aeschylus or Sophocles or Seneca or St. Thomas, and not even about King Atahualpa (º).
Here we are dealing with groups of nomadic hunter-gatherers dedicated to use hallucinogenics, to slaughter each other among neighboring tribes with flint knives, to break skulls with clubs. or skewer themselves with flint-tipped or fire-hardened poles.
(º) King Atahualpa (Cusco, March 20, 1497 - Cajamarca, July 26, 1533) was the thirteenth and last ruler of the Tahuantinsuyo, or Inca Empire) executed by the Spanish invaders by order of a fanatic Dominican friar because of the fact that he had committed sin by marrying his sisters.
Although that was a custom of the royal family, Cortéz opposition was unsuccessful. and had to execute the King. Let us pray for the soul of that Dominican friar.
