« Beware of the scribes, [..]
They devour the houses of widows and, as a pretext, recite lengthy prayers. They will receive a very severe condemnation ».
Here the negative judgment for hypocrites appears evident and irrevocable, for those who do things just to be seen by others, or even for attitudes of arrogance, presumption, and inappropriate pride. 
God, thank you because I'm not like other men
, thieves,
unjust, adulterers
With the observation of the widow who donates to the temple the little she has, it is highlighted how in the eyes of God the absolute quantity is not important, but that whatever one does is all the more important in relation to the sacrifice that costs to whom does it.
There would be much more to meditate on from this passage, and each of us can make an effort to think about it.
I limit myself to considering here, is that God sees all and knows all, therefore to pretend certain attitudes is foolish or rather, crazy.
The first theme we are talking about is therefore sincerity, which manifests itself through the unity of life; which means not changing your face or your behavior depending on the places or situations.
My second argument is generosity.
Few of us can be like the widow who throws everything she has into the treasury of the temple, because in general we, lay people, have to fulfill inalienable duties towards our closest neighbor, that is our family, for which we must commit ourselves to guaranteeing what most resembles a peaceful and luminous hearth. The traditional wish for the traditional family is the Latin one: ASSIDVO LUCEAT IGNE FOCvS (that the hearth be made bright by ever-burning fire).
If we want to follow the example of Our Lord what we should keep in mind in our everyday life I would define it as follows:

Albert Einsteinrealizing that with God we cannot pretend to be who we are not, or be too proud of who we are, always weak creatures. Let us recall what the incomparable genius who was the first to probe into the mysteries of creation from the point of view of experimental science said. As a layman he says::
«My religion consists in humble admiration of the unlimited and superior Spirit who reveals himself in the subtle details that we are capable of perceiving with our fragile and feeble thought. The deep emotional conviction of a superior reasoning Power, as revealed in an incomprehensible universe, this forms my idea of God»
- Considering that the good we do must cost us some sacrifice, even if in reality we could very well avoid it.
For example, even when getting up a coffee in the morning, or something we really like, or even something more important when it's not necessary,to put aside money to give as alms. If we do it often and consistently, it leads us to holiness of life.
The result is not only the value of the fact itself, but the resulting habit of not letting yourself be dominated by your passions.
- And last but not least, when we do anything in our lives, especially in relationships with others, we must consider our neighbours as they were ourselves. Here too, however, Jesus warns us that in any case we must not give up prudence, so as not to be deceived by the bad people and thugs. Here Jesus speaks about ruthless and heartless people who for their own benefit make their neighbors suffer, and commit any abomination
After that In certain cases, when we realize that someone in front of us could overcome certain difficulties on their own, we can also exercise an 'apostolate of not giving'.
Even so we imitate Jesus, and we follow his teaching. In fact, even when we ask for a favor or the intercession of some kind, we know well that we must ask only for what we absolutely could not have or achieve on our own.
And realize that we will be heard if we have faith, but especially if it actually suits us.
End of Comment
The word Pharisee means "Separate", "clarifier", "explainer". But the interpretations have not yet managed to resolve the question on the true meaning of the term. The historian Josephus Flavius, a Romanized Jew, says
«Pharisees; they enjoy the reputation of interpreting the laws exactly, they constitute the most important sect, and attribute everything to fate and to God..» |
(Flavius Josephus, Jewish War , II, 162. |
At the time of Jesus, the CLASS of Pharisees made up one of the most important Jewish political-religious groups.
In Judea in the period roughly between the Maccabean revolt (2nd century BC) and the First Jewish War (70 AD), at various times, they identified themselves as a political party, a religious and social movement and above all a school of thought; together with the Essenes, Sadducees and Zealots, they were the most important party or philosophers group during the Second Temple period.
The Second Temple Period, also known as the Intertestamental Period, was an era in the history of Israel that began in 597 BC. with the Babylonian exile, and lasted until the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans, in 70 AD.

Don't worry ! the mercy of Jesus
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Mark 12,38-44.
In the course of his teaching Jesus said, "Beware of the scribes, who like to go around in long robes and accept greetings in the marketplaces,
seats of honor in synagogues, and places of honor at banquets.
They devour the houses of widows and, as a pretext, recite lengthy prayers. They will receive a very severe condemnation."
He sat down opposite the treasury and observed how the crowd put money into the treasury. Many rich people put in large sums.
A poor widow also came and put in two small coins worth a few cents.
Calling his disciples to himself, he said to them, "Amen, I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the other contributors to the treasury.
For they have all contributed from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has contributed all she had, her whole livelihood."
Copyright © Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, USCCB