«Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest....... For my yoke is easy, and my burden light»
In his homily at Mass this morning, the celebrant gave this passage a pauperist interpretation with a populist flavor.
Tired and oppressed it seems that not all human beings can be, but only the 'little ones' and the 'poor'.
As for humility of heart,![Farisei e sadducei](../../../../linespa/immagini/vangelo/Farisei-e-sadducei.jpg)
Jesus baffles the Pharisees the speech made it seem that the virtue of humility is possible only for them, for the poor, for the weak,
for those who are passively subjected to oppression, as opposed to the 'rich' and not only, but also to the 'wise' and the 'intelligent'.
However, from the speech, although correct in substance, it seemed to me that, again according to the celebrant, none of the 'rich', 'wise' and 'intelligent' people have ever been capable of humility and meekness.
From a certain point of view he is not mistaken, because - I also say this from personal experience - in certain environments, many individuals, especially those who have some economic means, show presumption, self-esteem and pride in close relation to the wealth that they possess, of what they are owners. This is true even when their general culture is shown to be quite poor. When these people confront others, their attitude becomes arrogant and conceited, and sometimes overwhelming. Sometimes precisely also because of their ignorance.
However, I hadn't heard this kind of talk since a long time, and the homily was probably inspired by the personal experiences of the celebrant in everyday life.
I like to comment on the piece in a positive light:
The Little ones. We are all 'small' compared to the immensity of creation and our relative helplessness in the face of nature. None of us, says Jesus, can prolong his life even for an instant. It is clear that if we are blinded by our presumption, and we do not always keep in mind our being men and women subject to powers that we cannot control, we will not be able to become 'children' as Jesus Christ asks us, and we will not be able to accept Him. The first step to get closer to God is, therefore, to recognize who we are.
Distressed and overwhelmed. It seems clear that those who have economic difficulties and cannot make ends meet with their own earnings - at particular times like today - are unhappy, tired and even oppressed, even if they do not give in to despair.
But is there anyone who at some point in his life has not experienced weariness, oppression and feelings of unhappiness? I do not think so. We would be stupid if we thought that, and that someone would be an idiot.
Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest
Rich and wealth.
Material wealth is a category that can condition man and prevent him from accepting Jesus, but Jesus himself says 'nothing is impossible for God' (Matthew 19:23-30).
In fact, when material wealth does not condition man's behavior, it is not an impediment at all. It does not prevent you from following Jesus in your ordinary life in certain cases:
- when wealth does not make you a slave, that is, it leaves you the freedom not to create unnecessary needs.
- When wealth does not make you deaf indifferent to the needs of your neighbor. Here too it must be said that no matter how rich a person is, he cannot take on himself the tasks that fall to society, because his wealth would vanish by number and would immediately be of no use to him or to others.
Therefore, wealth: must be used for the neighbor that God sends before us.
The closest neighbors are members of the family, but the others should not be forgotten. The parable of the rich man and poor Lazarus helps us to understand this aspect;
- wealth must be used to create other wealth and better living and working conditions for many others. There are many examples of illustrious and less illustrious businessmen who, working and increasing their wealth, allow many people to live and prosper with their own work;
- it must not be wasted, because waste and inability to manage would destroy wealth by preventing its good use;
When we can voluntarily give up things, let us do it for the love of Jesus Christ, and offer him our resignation. Mine and yours, not that of others.
If one is attached to material goods, he is like a slave to himself. He is the one who does not think that his life lasts less than a blink of an eye compared to the time of the Created Universe. It is then that he runs the risk of being rejected by God, even if He is also infinite mercy.
Christian prayer is the personal and living relationship of the children of God with his Father infinitely good, with his Son Jesus Christ and with the Holy Spirit who dwells in his hearts. Just as Faith is always a gift of God that comes out to meet man.
LET'S PRAY ALWAYS, CONSTANTLY, but let's do it in an orderly way, so that it is not a limit to our other professional family duties, etc. This will allow us to always live in the presence of God even when, for example, we have to devote all our attention to work. This will be our part.
With reference to the current ongoing conflicts, I recommend everyone to dedicate a prayer every day to the petition for the cessation of all the wars that today bloody the world.
WE CANNOT THINK OF CHANGING THE WHOLE WORLD, BUT GOD CAN. THAT'S WHY WE PRAY CHRISTIANLY FOR OURSELVES AND FOR OTHERS, even if we think they are a hopeless case, people we believe will not be able to change.
PRESUMPTION AND ARROGANCE. In my opinion, certain attitudes are particularly understandable when they are rooted, I would say innate in certain local or even national cultures and are common to them.
They are attitudes of arrogance settled in the structure of certain societies, which come from very far away, from historical experiences of hundreds and hundreds of years and therefore difficult to change quickly.
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew 11,28-30.
Jesus said to the crowds: “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden light."
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