Preamble: this is intended as a pure fantasy speculation .
The author discharges all responsibility about accuracy or validity of the contents of these documents and related graphics. The reasoning artlessness of what follows does not enter the enormous amount of studies that has been carried out by great scientists starting from Einstein and continuing with all those who have done wonderful studies on the subject. For example, John Stewart Bell, Peter Higgs, François Englert, Robert Brout, Gerald Guralnik, C. R. Hagen, Thomas Kibble and many others. Another scientist William Unruh, for example, theoretically demonstrated the notion of vacuum is depending on the path of the observer through spacetime. So please pardon if you find this a dummy reasoning of mine.
The space properties
Here are some considerations by
analogy with the sound propagation in the air (or water),
to check if we can think about a similar effects in regard of magnetic and electric fields to cause gravitational waves in the space- time continuum as it is made possible by the space-time’s
We can imagine that
the vacuum is something that we call ‘space-time continuum’ which has then its
own physical properties, observing that magnetic fields, electric fields, electro-magnetic fields do
propagate in it Taking the previous analogy, the sound is homologous of an em or electric field and the space-time continuum corresponds to the air or water, that is the propagation medium. Consequently the space-time continuum cannot be strictly defined ‘empty’, in fact electromagnetic waves can propagate in the 'empty' space.
By analogy one might therefore think that some kind of very intense electric fields and magnetic fields could be used to generate a thrust in the vacuum, as the propellers do in fluids such as air or water.
So this is the point: is it possible to generate magnetic and electric fields strong enough to function against vacuum, as solid surfaces do in air or water?
What is gravity? Is it a field of force due to the "curvature of space-time" or what?
The interaction
of light, or with electro-magnetic phaenomena, and gravity has been verified both by Albert Einstein, and recently by the astronomer Ingrid Stairs of the University of British Columbia and the astrophysicist Joeri van Leeuwen, of the Amsterdam University, who is the study coordinator,
has verified it on pulsar emitting radio waves as a beacon every 144 milliseconds,
while spinning around a companion star in a binary system called J1906.
Also recently
some scientists, using enormous and very complex system of lasers and mirrors, could
observe a very weak gravitational perturbation coming from the space by the deviation of laser beams caused by it. These gravitational waves generated by the so-called big
bang, that is the sudden appearance of an infinite quantity of matter, from its origin point that are coming to us are extremely weak, because their
expansion occurs on spherical surfaces, then their actual energy density - if the analogy to the sound is valid - should be
inversely proportional to the CUBE of the distance from the center.
To visualize this phenomenon we can think that space is some as an elastic sheet, on which a depression is formed in correspondence of a large mass. Another smaller mass that’s approaches due to the sheet deformation tends to fall into this depression. Depending on the trajectory the two masses may collide each other or one can rotate around the other. This is the situation of our or of other planets in respect of the Sun. With this model we can say that masses cause the space’s deformation, alto we still do not know why the matter causes the space deformation but noting that this property exists.
In conclusion, in the same way as the electromagnetic waves propagate in vacuum, if all those scientific experience are valid, we can say that the vacuum has the property of carrying GRAVITATIONAL PERTURBATIONS, and that gravity is a "curvature of the continuum space-time" that depends on the existence of matter. The gravity is then a property of the matter, although we do not know exactly the root of why and how this happens.
The photon is the quantum of the electromagnetic field. Historically also called as light, it was introduced at the beginning of the 20th century when it was discovered that in an electromagnetic wave the energy is distributed in discrete packets that can be thought as the constituents of electromagnetic radiation. With the emergence of quantum mechanics, the photon has effectively acquired the role of a particle, classified in the Standard Model as an elementary zero mass boson (Higgs boson) that is mediator (gauge boson) of electromagnetic interaction. Then we should
conclude also that the continuum space-time and the matter with their own
properties cannot exist separately from each other.
An interesting phenomenon that should happen, because the action and reaction principle is valid for lightbeams. An object, such as schematized in the figure, reflecting an electromagnetic beam, should receive a weak thrust ..There are two extreme cases depending on the material that is struck by light.
a) the whole energy E ( red beam)- is reflected. This should generate the maximum pushing effect
b) The whole energy is absorbed. to heath the object
E = h c/ʎ c = light speed ʎ = wavelenght h= Planck's Constant ν= frequency (c/ ʎ)
Where the ratio c/ʎ has dimension [ | ![]() |
] |
From the relation we deduce that the energy of the electromagnetic radiation is inversely proprotional to its wavelength, that is the energy increases as this last one decreases. In fact because approximately c = ʎν this leads to E = hν
The Planck's constant, also called quantum of action and indicated with h, is a physical constant that represents the minimum possible or elementary action. It determines that energy and fundamental physical quantities connected to it do not evolve continuously, but are quantized, that is, they can only assume multiple values of this constant.; The experimental value of the constant, according to the CODATA recommendations of 2010, is:
h = 6,626 069 57 ( 29 ) x | ![]() |
[ J x s ] |
h = 4,135 667 516 ( 91 ) × | ![]() |
[ e Vx s] |
where 1 [eV] = 1,602 176 53 × | ![]() |
[ J ] |
Some quantities
Name | Wavelenght ʎ [nm] |
Frequency ν [MHz ] |
Energy (Kcal/mole fot.) |
X Rays | ![]() |
÷ | 10 | ![]() |
÷ | ![]() |
![]() |
÷ | ![]() |
Visible | 400 | ÷ | 700 | ![]() |
÷ | ![]() |
71 | ÷ | 38 | |||
Radio Waves | 1m | ÷ | 1000m | 100 | ÷ | 0,1 | ![]() |
÷ | ![]() |
We don't go further as this isn't a lesson of Phisics.
The Cavendish formula (XVIII century) regarding the gravitational forces see the following figure 1 - has analogy with the Coulomb's one which regards the electrostatic forces, and the Gilbert's one concerning the magnetic forces, obviously giving different value of the 'constant' terms
Gravitational Forces | Electrostatic forces | Magnetic Forces | ||
![]() |
![]() |
Lord Cavendish |
Charles Augustin De Coulomb | Gilbert |
Now, we did dare - without responsibility - to make some hypotheses and perform some mathematical operations (see in appendix A) to compare the gravity forces with the others.
Making numerical ratios between the gravitational and magnetic 'constants', we have estimated roughly if an electrostatic or electric field or a magnetic field could interact with the gravitational one, such to generate a pertubation in the space-time continuum.
THE CONCLUSION IS THAT using magnetic materials with very high permeability one might be able to produce strongest magnetic fields , which .perhaps may interfere with gravitational fields.
At the end the upper equations gives the dimensions of the universal constant G that is
The value of this constant measured by Lord Cavendish with his torsional balance was G = 6.74×10−11
NOTE: If you want to see more about
the Cavendish experiment click here to go to check it in Wikipedia.
Lord Henry Cavendish (Nice, October 10,
1731 - London, 24 February 1810) was a
Scottish chemist and physicist. The universal gravitational
constant (here indicated by the letter G) is the physical
natural constant that enters into the mathematical
expression for the calculation of the intensity of the
gravitational force. It appeared for the first time as a
constant of proportionality in the universal
gravitation formulated by Isaac Newton.
The value of
the gravitational constant, recommended in 2014 by
Is the attitude of the material to be magnetized in the presence of a magnetic field. The magnetic permeability is measured in Henry per meter (H / m). This property It's different in the vacuum and in the matter. So we can define:
The magnetic permeability of vacuum μo is one of the fundamental physical constants. Its value in I.S. units is::
-7 | ![]() |
μo = 4π | 10 | [H/m] | and it's value is | H/m. |
Often the permeability of a material is expressed as the product μ = μr μ0
Generation of electromagnetic fields
If we put inside a solenoid a bar of magnetic material (In this article - click to read in a new window) we have to consider that the magnetic field increases as the permeability μ = μr μo becomes greater: In particular in the magnetic alloys, the permeability can grow up to 90,000 times and the value of B increases. In the space near to the bar extremity, the field is very intense.
The following is from Wikipedia (click here to open the page) organization of which I am a supporter
![]() |
![]() |
Figure 1 |
As you see in wikipedia when the distance between two magnetic surfaces tends to 0, in those conditions as hypothesised by the theories
that is, theorically, the value of the attraction or separation force between two magnetic poles would tend to an infinite value, ie, the flux lines would be extremely dense. Thus, if the magnetif fiels is intense enough, it could cause perturbations in the continuum also produce gravitational effects.
![]() |
Figure 2 |
Let's assume also an analogy with the relation called the 'rule of the left hand' (Fleming) between the current flowing in a conductor immersed in a magnetic field, the direction of the same field, and the resulting force.
![]() |
Figure 3 |
Referring to Figure 3 About the resulting force Fm we could say that is a function of magnetic flow B and of the of the movement of the magnetic complex where V is the speed value ad
Fm = K V |
![]() |
Because that H is a function of the current flow to get the effect we should use a particular solenoid with relatively few turns but a very high current flow and a nucleus of highest permeability alloy.Let's remember that the permeability represents the capacity to orient a maximum number of atomic The dipoles of the atoms into the magnetic material.
The ideal should be a magnetic material heat with highest permeability heat treated for a very long time to become an unique crystal.
This could be obtained starting with hot extrusion and lanination of thin wires with square section such to be termically treated and then assembled to form a magnetic nucleus with the required shape..
Material |
Permeability μ [H/m] |
Relative Permeability
B |
Frequenza massima |
1.25 |
1000000[10] |
0.5 T |
100 kHz |
1 × 10−2 |
80000[11] |
0.5 T |
10 kHz |
2.5 × 10−2 |
20000[12] |
0.002 T |
50000[13] |
1.0 × 10−2 |
8000[12] |
0.002 T |
Ferrite (manganese, zinc) |
> 8.0 × 10−4 |
640 (or more) |
100 kHz ~ 1 MHz |
VACUUM properties
In the classical physics, a conservative force is described by a conservative vector field, ie the force must define a vector field and his work during a certain route must not depend on the particular path taken, but only the points of origin and destination. A force is conservative if the work that it carries along any closed finite trajectory is null. A NOT conservative force instead, ie that derivate of friction, doesn’t meet this requirement.
We are particularly interested to the so said ‘MAGNETIC AND ELECTRIC PERMEABILITY’ that has the same behavior in the space as in all materials. What different is the values of those values.
The magnetic permeability μ of a material is given by the constitutive relation B = μ H where H is the magnetic field in the material and B the magnetic induction.
Some Materials: |
Permeability |
Relative Permeability μ/μ0 |
Electric Permittivity
Vacuum |
4π × 10−7 (μ0) |
1 |
1 |
* 103 |
Low permeability |
Aluminium |
1.2566650 × 10−6 |
Copper |
1.2566290 × 10−6 |
Water |
0.999992 |
81,07 |
15 |
Air |
1.2566375 × 10−6 |
1.00000037 |
1,006 |
3 |
Superconductor |
0 |
0 |
∞ |
0 |
The magnetic permeability depends, in general, from the position within the material and the magnetic field direction: it is therefore described by a tensor of second order (3x3 matrix), which in the case in which the medium is isotropic and homogeneous reduces to a scalar. In addition, the permeability also depends on the frequency of the field, and thus is a complex function of frequency. Also varies as a function of other factors, usually negligible, as the humidity and temperature. Here are a few data to understand.
(*) The vacuum has a dielectric
strength of about (high vacuum). Since
there are not matter’s molecules, there is no material to be
ionized, the Electric discharge happens due to electronic
emission from surfaces. So you have the maximum at low
temperatures or when you do not have free electrons at
the electrodes’ surface. But this should be the obvious demonstration that also the
electric field propagates in the space. The same happens when we have a magnetic
The exception are the ‘superconductors’ that, when the material is cooled below its critical temperature, have the resistance is completely cancelled, so that an electric current can flow indefinitely in a closed circuit without no generator.
In fact usually the electrical resistance of a conductor metal gradually decreases with decreasing the metal temperature. In the base metal, such as copper or silver, below a certain temperature, which depends on the impurities and defects, the resistance does not vary greatly. So, even close to the absolute zero, conductors have an electrical resistance.
From Wikipedia - In electromagnetism, permittivity or absolute permittivity is the measure of resistance that is encountered when forming an electric field in a medium. In other words, permittivity is a measure of how an electric field affects, and is affected by, a dielectric medium. The permittivity of a medium describes how much electric field (more correctly, flux) is 'generated' per unit charge in that medium. More electric flux exists in a medium with a low permittivity (per unit charge) because of polarization effects. Permittivity is directly related to electric susceptibility, which is a measure of how easily a dielectric polarizes in response to an electric field. Thus, permittivity relates to a material's ability to resist an electric field (while, unfortunately, the word stem "permit" suggests the inverse quantity). In SI units, permittivity ε is measured in farads per meter (F/m or F·m−1); electric susceptibility χ is dimensionless. They are related to each other through
The vacuum permittivity (also called
permittivity of free space or electric constant) is the ratio in free
space. It also appears in the Coulomb force constant, ke = 1/(4π) and is related
to the speed of light
in the free space and
the vacuum permeability
Such constants are defined in SI units to
have exact numerical values, shifting responsibility of experiment to the
determination of the meter and the ampere.[3] (The approximation in the second value of above stems, from π being an irrational number.( It is 3.1415169…………..
Let's ask to ourselves if it possible to think about these properties to imagine a device that can shape this continuum to move a mass of matter into it? It is, to create artificially depression in the space-time where a mass could fall into? Could we use some properties of the matter to generate this effects?
This is probably possible, using high-energy electromagnetic radiation and/or very intense magnetic fields, such as those generated by electromagnets approaching two opposite magnetic poles and generating a thickening of the lines of force.
Someone would say that we already use many ways and modes, for instance the principle of action and reaction to generate forces and move matter into spaces. Of course this is true, but this gaming system obliges us to consume large amounts of energy and has limitations that do not allow us to develop our ambitions further, beyond inviolable and nowadays unthinkable limits.
I would like
to have enough money, laboratories and good competencies staff to experiment methods aimed to these
scope. In fact mi believe that this can be obtained using the same systems that I did learn in luster of study and practice.
I used to analyze data from many point of observation, to fix the industrial
plants complex critical points.
One could use the experimental analysis and the support
of staff specialists in the different technical matters, making usually brain-storming
meetings. All these means allowed to fix goals, to plan to do to check and to
adjust successful actions aimed to improve dramatically ratios and yields and
to obtain to reduce the production costs. Some examples:
· THE PLAN DO CHECK ACTION CYCLE (Deming Cycle) . I do not explain further, because I think that almost everybody knows something about it.
· THE 5W1H GOLDEN RULE – Why, When, Where, Who, What
and HOW
This is a rule that should be used in journalism to synthetically and
exhaustively describe a fact or an event. But in the technical analysis we
can use it with nested cycles. A described ‘WHEN’ or other described first
level ‘WHAT’ or ‘HOW’ of a subject, can be for instance examined through its
own nested 5W1H aspects. This helps much to deepen and refine the
analysis without being lost on the road.
· THE FISBONE CARDAN's, AND OTHER SIMILAR or USEFUL DIAGRAMS used in problem solving technique.
Unfortunately In this case I can only dream about, according what written here upward about the main characteristics and properties of a device that could be used for the uppersaid purpose to generate a pertubation in the space-time continuum.
A rough material considerations
Part | Material |
Magnetic material | Magnetic alloy with maximum permeability possible. See upward the table of magnetic materials. With this material we can make inductors generating highest magnetic density |
Coil material and main features | Superconductor
By Lino Bertuzzi - March 2017
Note to the reader (2018),
I recently changed my password with a stronger one after experiencing changes in what I had written. The 'th' were deleted from the text and the html and css codes, so width became 'width', the article became 'e' and so on. Many sentences have been changed by introducing pleonasms and grammatical errors. I've found this all along mysite so I'm reviewing everything and I do not have time to add new things because I searched and.I found also a worm into my system that I removed . Excuse me.