Good and just thing is helping the Ucrainians,
to defend from that bear's vilest aggression,
to increase the deads' number, kill more russians,
giving weapons and bombs, civilians' training.
Here's another of many brilliant measures,.
remembering past wars, thinking the failures,
we push Russia, China, and Korea being together.
Do we know what a big mess we're rising?
I understand why he encouraged the mad hero, the comedian-president. He promised that he would join the UE and OTAN. He sent NATO troops to train their own in violation of the Minsk agreements. Of course he would like the EU to go to war against the Russian Federation! It seems to me a madness that would cost us dearly. let us pray, may God save us

US Democratic presidents always in
the recent history did
cause serious
problems everywhere, all around the world |
Theyshall pay for this dearly!

They shall pay?
Who will pay?
In the official photo
he seems to be a
person who knows what
he wants to do.
You have to see him
when he's speaking
to get some fear
A.N.: April, 25, 2022.
Having fomented the war between the Ukrainians and the Russians and making the mistake of keeping it longer and more bloodyº), it is something that will be paid dearly.
This DEM US-elected president makes many really tragical wrong moves, perhaps because he ignores the history of Europe, more than a Russian goat does.
As an European citizen, I would have seen better Russia's entry into the EU, and if Ucriana didn't want to stay in, they would have stayed out and keep their neutrality status and commercial ways,
Imagine an EU spanning the Atlantic to the Pacific, as it could have been, and imagine instead a bloc of military alliances uniting China, Russia and Korea. Think also that such alliences or business relations could also involve other states in the world, given that the USA are not very popular almost everywhere. What could the uppersaid three united nations do together against us?
Let us remember the Korean War how it evolved and ended, and never think that the EU and the US can prevail over the rest of the world even when together and allies.
It seems that the Western current policy is madness, also because Russia and China are already taking over much of Africa, and moreover we are actually underestimating the technological capacity of these states.
Either we put an end to the war in Ukraine and get Russia back, if it isn't already too late, or the future prospect can only be slow death or the end of the West.
(ª) Someone say that USA DEM sponsored the election of the present Nazi-like president in Ukraine!
Instead of asking Zelensky to stop the attacks of Ukrainian militias killings in the Russian-speaking Donbass region, and grant regional autonomy,
they convinced him that he could ask to enter the EU, to join the OTAN!..
Before the present war 6$ billions of weapons have been gifted to Ucrainians..
