Lino Prospero Bertuzzi started writing in English while surfing internet before the year 2000, he met the free site
Since then that site has changed hands and property several times. Then Lino no longer writes there since it's first changement. Lino's works are of lyric-romantic kind mainly, but those 4 biting epigrams

  • Balls: dedicated to a successful woolgathers' writer
  • Homero: to Homero Castillo Duran, a chilean poet
  • The 72 dark-eyed Maidens of Paradise
  • The mirror: dedicated to himself
  • Who's the mother?: to a modern family and a divorce

Lino ha iniziato a scrivere in lingua inglese quando navigando in internet, prima del 2000 ha incontrato il sito che oggi ha cambiato più volte proprietario e forma. Lino oggi non scrive più su quel sito.

Maria annunziata

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Per leggere la poesia che preferite cliccate sul titolo a sinistra