BACKGROUND: this broadly historical synthesis of the period from 1948 to 2013, perhaps will be a novelty for non Italians, today informed by people who give very little attention to the truth, and perhaps also for some distracted or uninterested Italians. By now, however, of that should not remain more doubts: abroad, but also in Italy, there are people (including unavoidable traitors of national interests) who had great benefits and sudden huge profits from the italian problems, and they certainly do not like truth. The Italian citizens, both interested and not, have paid their acts and their betrayals. I hope that, for expressing my ideas, someone does not pay me the face. |
Because I think I can give my reasoned and valid opinion |
I wish you a schematic picture of the events as I have seen them, so from my point of view this is a reliable chronicle.
From 1957 until today, especially since I attended the middle school, I was always interested in politics of my country. And maybe even before then I have been attentive to the facts of my family, as I listened and sometimes could understand the talks of my father and grandparents.
I believe that anyone who has dedicated his life and honestly and heroically worked for the good of his country is capable of expressing historical judgments. The family of my father and my mother were not exactly the classic middle-class families. My paternal grandfather since after graduating in engineering in Bologna in 1912, had won a public concourse for the Colonies and he went in Libya where he had participated in the construction of the port of Tripoli.
There my father was born. Then the family had left for Somalia, from where they came back in 1932, coming to Rome. As a state executive my grandfather had then occupied positions of responsibility in all of Italy, in Rome, Sicily, Sardinia, in the Veneto and Friuli and again in Rome, where he finished his career as the Superintendent Provider of Public Works of Umbia and Lazio, and had by President Einaudi a series of honors.
When I was born my grandfather was administrator in Palermo, Sicily. Let me give you the grace of the story of the dad's adventures, that are too many to be told here. I will only say that he was an Air Force officer.
When he was taken prisoner by the American invaders and taken to North Africa I was in Sicily with my grandfather Lino, grandmother Emilia and my mother Mary.
Do not even tell the story of my maternal grandfather Prospero Del Din, a career officer in the Army, and his family.
I only say that in the First World War he was promoted on the battlefield, as the youngest captain in the Royal Army, he took a silver and two bronze medals and many other decorations earned during his four decades' career.
He heas been to the commander of the Army picket at the election to the papacy of Pius XII. In addition to the First World War, he took part in the conquest of Ethiopia with Marshal Graziani, and then the Second World War.
He was taken prisoner by the British in Greece while he was recovered from an attack of kidney, he had taken in African Campaign, he was sent to a prison camp in the Himalayas. His son Renato, lieutenant of the Alpine troops, was a gold medal for military valor to the memory. I therefore believe that the opinions expressed by all them had a certain weight than those of certain people, who have ever nor touched certain weights.
But let's come back to more recent times: in addition to listening to the speeches of grandparents, I had fun to attend political TV forums since the mid-50s. I appreciated the skill of speeches and responses very furbish but evasive and inconsistent by the Communist Senator Palmiro Togliatti, said 'the best' by communists, and though being very young I always read books and articles and stories about events and history of my country and the world; thanks to family formation, classical studies and the interest for reading, I think I've learned enough to be able to speak without contradicting myself, at least on the events that took place during those times that I consider important, and of which I briefly summarize her for short lines the main events.
To get the events' correct sight, in the right light, knowledge of what really happened is essential, and to try to learn the truth about what's happening today, attempting to see through the gread obnubilating dust raised by the media. The four main periods that I examine are:
- Period 1 - by the end of the Second World War to the fall of the Berlin Wall
- Period 2 - 1989 to 1992
- Period 3 - 1992 to 2011
- Period 4 - 2011 up to 2014
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Summary # 1 - from 1948 to the fall of the Berlin Wall
At the end of the war the country devastated by the disastrous defeat and broken in spirit, mortified by assassinations and bloodshed that occurred by communists too after the end of the war, was threatened by national communism, that despite the Yalta agreements and the orders of Joseph Stalin, wanted bring Italy into the orbit of Moscow. I was there and I could see this sequence of events:
The constitutional referendum of 1946 that dropped the ancient Savoy's monarchy, was held without waiting for the return of veterans, and it has been most likely the result of electoral fraud led by the Honourable Socialist Minister Romita. Mean that he told my father Arnaldo the following words: 'young man, thank me, that I gave you the the republic!'
the middle class was scared. My parents said that the Communists would do kill us all, and in fact were found some blacklistings of. In this climate, the citizens, facing the danger, gave an absolute majority to the Christian Democratic Party (DC), which ruled Italy very well until the end of the 50s.
The DC, however, gradually lost the position of the ruling party. Are memorable the riots of the 60s and the fall of the government of Honourable Premier Fernando Tambroni. The government FELL UNDER THE PRESSURE OF COMMUNIST VIOLENCE.
- July, 14, 1960 . The Premier Mr. Tambroni says in the Parliament (because the visit to Moscow of Togliatti in Moscow) that such riots are the fruit of a Cremlin's Plot ": He says with good reason, that there is the pro-Soviet left behind the riots .
- July 19, 1960. The government resigned, now opposed, in the same DC, also from the currents of Moro and Fanfani. Tambroni is leaving the political life.
- July 26th 1960. Fanfani was appointed to head a new DC government.
- Mostly weak and in some cases even because a bit cowards, the Christian Democrats with no real need after 1960 joined the government several minor political parties, including the Italian Socialist Party, giving rise to a center-left coalition.
after the "victory of the people and the anti-fascist unity" the Italian economic miracle, was little by little canceled by the huge public debt. Progress began after the war thanks to the 'Marshall Plan', after the '70s it was gradually to decay because of the combination of spending policies and patronage and corruption in the Italian Socialist Party.
International events and the increase in oil prices contributed to aggravate the situation. But then the Communist party had not however be "kicked out" of anything, and had great ease by USSR , both by their control on commerce and receiving money - see the Mitrokin affair - so they had great advantages to consolidate their power in the so-called Red areas (mainly Emilia-Romagna, Toscana, Umbria, Liguria).
From 1970 onwards, the national debt has increased dramatically, up to 100% of GDP.
In a few years cost and expenses of the state's apparatus has enormously grown because of the patronage's policies of political parties and the politicians' foolishness. In 1990 the debt was still less than 100% of GDP, but as you can see here in the chart, it grew up dramatically in the following years.
Trend of GDP (red) and public debt (blue) from 1990 to 2013 in Billions of Euro
The debt soared until 1994 by the left govenments, was then checked, until the beginning of the economic crisis. GDP also increased. If you notice the dates of beginning and end of the Berlusconi government and those of the left, and you can read a simple graph, you will notice that the GDP - in red - maybe increase more when they are in power the leftist governments. After the fall of the first Berlusconi's government, GDP begin to increase again. The increase in debt - in blue - stops only if it increases the tax levy, since no one is able to counteract the inefficiency and the interests of the state bureaucracy. You'll also notice that the Euro would be quite possible to do without, at least before the judiciary cyclone of 1992 and the last left-wing governments that followed it. Only in the newspaper 'La Repubblica' owned by Mr. De Benedetti, which has replaced the communist 'l'UNITÀ' in the heart of the faithful, they are convinced that no one, especially the faithful, knows how to read and interpret numbers and graphics, and they can provide their usual liar versions ...
Since the first years of the italian republic, the PCI's Communists, not being directly involved in the national government, were able to take advantage of their position to win the nerve centers of the country (for some people communism is like a religion). So they occupied much of the judiciary, and the culture of the university, and almost all the media and the press. Unfortunately, while the Communists were working politically to take all the available space, the Christian Democrats and the others thought only to work, and especially to cultivate their clients.
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Summary #3 - 1989 to 1992 |
The Italian Communist Party (PCI), not being involved in the national government, took the opportunity to continue the conquest's policy of the country's nerve centers with their 'faithfuls'. In 1992 the Communist 'faithfuls' are massively present in the judiciary, in the culture and in the university, and in almost all media and the press; also the Party controls many banks and extended economic activities very relevant across the whole country. Meanwhile, the Christian Democrats and the others did continue to pretend to ignore it and so they excavated their own grave. Indeed, in some periods, remarkable by cowardice, they have also thought the so-called 'historic compromise' with their future executioners.
- Thanks to the effect of the leftists' policies, the power of the judicial system has grown without limits. Towards the end of the century, prosecutors has got police teams depending on them. Prosecutors and judges have the same career and are interchangeable, and the Judicial Order controls itself through a "Council of the Judiciary" mainly composed of judges. The law allows prosecutors to investigate "ad libitum", regardless of jurisdiction, and to prosecute and imprison, even without evidences, when only a judge believes that a crime was committed. The Judiciary Order has become a 'State's Power', the most powerful and dominant.
- During the previous period, the Communist Party, allegedly financed by Moscow to bring the socialism in Italy, continuously controlled the italian trade to and from USSR. As already said the Communists were thus able to create significant economic activities in those regions of Italy called the "red regions".
During over 60 years the government of these regions has never changed, because of the overall economic subjection of civil society to the Party's economic power. Few entrepreneurs can work there without their consent. The other political parties were instead funded solely by voluntary contributions; so it's clear that the communists could easily exploit this fact to accuse of corruption the other parties of the so-called 'constitutional bow'.
But, for reasons of international order, the times of the revolution did not ripen until some time after the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989), when the inefficiency of the communist system became clear, and the Soviet Union was no longer a danger to anyone. Is it necessary to point out that while Professor Romano Prodi was head of the organization of IRI institute (former Fascist Institute for the Industrial Rebuilding) from 1982-89 and 1993-94, under European diktat most of SOEs was liquidated, and eventually companies were almost given away to German companies (such as stainless steel of Turin and Terni and Terni's magnetic) or to other private entrepreneurs, as happened to ILVA.
To exemplify how operations of 'privatization at any cost'm were carried out, I'm including an agreement that saw Professor Romano Prodi groped to give in to Mr. De Benedetti a major industry for the processing of agricultural products. The agreement was prevented by a certain Silvio Berlusconi, who brought the affair to the attention of the head of government of that time.
So this one could block the 'deal, split the company and sell separately the various sectors, avoiding the state a loss of about 600 million euro.
Among the many simlar business I mention this because, in later years, Silvio Berlusconi will have for this a long series of criminal trials, although he was not involved (I believe him when he says he was not part of the consortium).
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Summary # 4 - 1992 to 2011
(period of making and breaking) |
THE COMMUNISTS CHANGE THEIR NAME. Communism felt officially with the fall of the Berlin's Wall, the PCI (Italian Communist Party) found himself obliged to change his name. But the Communists, recently converted to democracy, they thought it was now time to reap what they had sown during the Cold War's decades. Thus Judiciary Power, a part of which was unleashed to destroy political enemies, did come to their support:
- The Magistrates' association named "Democratic Judiciary" (the formerly communists), in its constitutional framework, long ago had openly declared the goal to bring the left to power. A new civil war had begun.
- Some Prosecutors, especially which ones of the famous Milan's prosecutors team, destroyed in a few months in the years 1992 -1993 the five political parties, which until then had ensured democracy in Italy, arresting hundreds of people accused of corruption for having received illicit funds in favor of their party. Most of them will be found INNOCENT after 10-15 years of shame. There were also suicides in prison, lives burned by so-called 'justice' and now fallen into oblivion. The former prime minister Bettino Craxi (PSI) fled abroad to avoid arrest, proposed to return to Italy and to be subject to trial only when even those who had stolen along with him had confessed to be the thefts which he had collaborated with. He was speaking about PCI, of course, because all the others were KO. Needless to say this did not happen, and Craxi died sadly in exile in his Hammamet's villa (Tunis).
- In this period, those who planned to conquer the absolute power in Italy were stopped by one man: Silvio Berlusconi . In a few months he managed to invent and create a new political party, which he called 'Forza Italia!'. For this he earned the incredibly intense hatred that led him to the loss of any reputation, and almost, or at least not yet, to the economical ruin and death.
- To his great merits the Dossettian (#) Professor Romano Prodi, was later rewarded with the presidency of the European Commission, also sponsored by Berlusconi himself that with this nomination also tried to remove him from his feet ( 1999 - 2004 ).
(#) Piero Dossetti was a catholic Priest who made a philosophic school of pauperism and quasi-communist idea, of which Mr. Prodi was a scholar.
Since 1994 up to 2011, there is a period of "making and breaking." Silvio Berlusconi has won the 1994's elections despite the powerful Communists' apparatus of electoral control, today the former communists, which miraculously produces hundred thousands' when not millions of invalid votes, and they sweared vengeance. During nine years of total government, interrupted two times by leftist governments, Berlusconi has tried to achieve significant steps to modernize the country, but failed to reach the targets. Besides being hindered by any means by the enemies that have aroused against him lies, envy, and wildest hatred by the leftist environments and by the capitalism that sustains them, and to be slowed by disloyal and treacherous allies, when the left has taken power (2 times) at first dedicated itself to get rid of its laws.
Few people today remember that the leftist had convinced the gullible italian voters to reject the constitutional reforms (referendum in June 2006), which also aimed to eliminate the Senate, to reduce the deputies' number, to abolish the provinces, greatly reducing the cost of statal machine.
But today they are back in fashion. In addition, the Prime Minister Romano Prodi (then President of the EU Commission) had adopted the euro under the Germany's diktat with heavy and unequal conditions.
Today everyone says that the common currency has saved us from disaster: maybe, but I do not think so. The Germans, with the introduction of the new single currency largely profited the situation and made others to have paid their reunification, but for them it was not enough. They wanted more. |
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Silvio Berlusconi founded 'Forza Italia' daring to oppose against the PCI's apparatus and to its friends, breaking their eggs in the basket about some business that they had already prepared at taxpayer expense, and opposing the PCI's victory (now called 'Democratic Party' (let's hope their skin has finally changed for the better).
But what is more significant is that another great entrepreneur, De Benedetti sworn enemy of Berlusconi, has obtained the card No. 1 of the Democratic Party. In addition, Mr. Berlusconi had publicly dared to say that he refused the apron and the degree of apprentice bricklayer, claiming to have already made even entire cities (Milan 2) and also had openly declared his passion for the beautiful women. They both were enormous and unforgivable sins, which required a relentless and ruthless answer .
- S.B. was slandered and accused of every possible and infamous violation of the law, and received more than 120 personal investigations. Since 1994 has suffered an average of three trials per year for 20 years, even with reference to the facts alleged occurred since 1980.
- His companies suffered at least 500 searches of police and finance, even after they had been transferred to his sons and daughters to avoid the conflict of interests.
- A judge, they say an angry 68's revolutionary, before retiring ordered him to pay 750 millions (!) to the democratic Mr De benedetti, in the trial for the so-called 'Lodo Mondadori'. Another has awarded to his former wife a grant of divorce of three million a month (!).
- Besides being shot to death in honor, in his properties y, and credibility in favor of political and economic enemies, he also had to spend almost 500 million in legal fees. Finally in 2013 he was expelled from the Senate with a law tailor-made for him, and applied retroactively in violation of any custom, and also of the Senate's Rules.
- From '94 onwards he also was also thrown at a national and international campaign of slander, insults and carpet-like misinformation, playing in the national media and recovered from external Italy's enemies, spread around the whole world, who ended up mainly in discrediting also throughout our country. This shameful cyclone of screams, jokes, insults, gossip, and violence towards one person has few historical precedents, perhaps it has in the Eastern countries before the fall of communism.
- Finally, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel supported in Italy from the usual street protests and a general contempt's campaign and perhaps by more other, got the resignation of Berlusconi, who opposed vetoes its policy, so having a free hand to reduce Italy to a third order's power. Its short-sighted policy detonated the crisis, has encouraged speculation and almost destroyed Europe, exclusively for the Germany's interests. Do not forget the gain by their banks at our expense by the 'bonds' spread'. They were also the real leaders of the financial crisis in Europe for their massive investments in junk bonds.
- To appease Germany went to government opaque figures, never elected by the people, at first those belonging to the so-called 'Bildemberg 'group (International Freemasonry?), who in two years reached the brilliant result of halting the increase of GDP and then to reduce it, as if was enough the effect of the crisis and the left-wing government elected before the Berlusconi's last.
In other words, the Germany mistakes, the reunification of Germany, and the Euro were paid by Europe, particularly Italy. The Italian GDP (say 1,600 billion euros) was reduced in three years, and the tax is increased to a 60% of real GDP. As we are badly reduced! We have also seen new Italian politicians, including an infamous hairy and bearded shouter, who as his first act went to pay respect to the German chancellor!
In Italy no politicians who are opposers to the leftist, at any level, can work in peace. As happened in the past since 1992, they shall be investigated or prosecuted, disgraced as delinquent, and their lives ruined.
And after interminable years of trial when they should be proved innocent nobody would know it.
Recent examples are Mr. Francesco Storace, attacked and accused of fraud to make him lose the election for President of the Latium region, or the director of TV news Mr. Minzolini, innocent but accused of embezzlement to oust him from the Public TV. After several years off the first trial they were innocent. But every day a new probable guilty gets out from the Justice hat!
Meanwhile the usual suspects had been already scrubbed, definitively, and it seems that the persecution against the opposers, which they accuse of being the only environment receptacle of corruption, has not stopped yet. Ruthless hunting is still open! The famous witches' hunt of Republican Senator McCarthy, compared to this is almost a joke |