FOREWORD: to our purposes here the history of Europe for convenience is divided roughly into four periods, since many historians will give different subdivisions
- Ancient History: that is the period (lasting about 4000 years) starting from the pre-classical history, preceding the appearance of sources greek-Roman, and coming to classical (ancient Greece and Rome), goes to end with the decline and fall of the Western Roman Empire and barbaric invasions.
- History of Middle Ages, which includes roughly the period from 500 AD to 1500 and goes to end with the fall of the Byzantine Empire (or Eastern Roman Empire). The term "Middle Ages" appears for the first time in the fifteenth century in Latin, and reflects the opinion of contemporaries who said that period would represent a departure from the classical culture, in opposition to the Renaissance.
- Modern History, which includes a period of three centuries from 1500 until around 1800 (the French Revolution, Napoleon Bonaparte, the Congress of Vienna in 1815).
- Contemporary History which starts from 1800 and is made to end (so very different between different historical) in the twentieth century.
I'm writing here but do not want to be absolutely a professional historian - though we should not hold us up, I say to myself, nor to be an amateur of the subject or even simple storytellers - because the respect due to historians must be great, since without their researchs and their work it should be almost impossible to know or assume the facts of the past.
Today it seems that our cultural roots have been forgotten. Myths of Modernism and materialistic philosophies have reduced the ancient history at what to few insiders. The Marxists, and unfortunately not only them, have demonized the classical antiquity, and generally have interpreted the history and culture in the worst sense of, especially misrepresenting the events that did take place in those times they considered a symbol of imperialism, colonialism and oppression. There is now also the arrogance of relativism, misrepresenting the historical truths, offering visions almost always negative and mostly wrong in the history of the world, and falsely telling the story with a biased vision and particularly with superficiality and ignorance.
As for the performances and shows drawn from historical episodes, the Hollywood industry, that there is mostly in hands of Jewish origin people, who have lost the hope of the Messiah, and dis become atheistic and materialistic; but they sill keep an ancient prejudice against the 'gentle' oppressors, that do not neglect to express at every opportunity, similarly as do the Marxists against capitalism.
Similarly behave almost all the writers of 'junk novels' and unfortunately not just those. Anyway here we do not speak only of the history of ancient Rome, which we Europeans should be proud of, but, on occasion, about that of all ancient peoples.
In the ancient history we put the Ancient Egyptian civilization and its contemporary ones, the Greek, the Roman, and after the fall of the Western Empire in 510 AD, the Medieval History. We intend to be considered ancient history, therefore, the period up to 1453, the year of the Roman Eastern Empire fall , because of the Turkish conquest.
Lino Bertuzzi August 2014
This introduction comes from a beautiful, complete, and comprehensive site, which dissects all aspects of ancient Rome, and we invite you to visit it : ROMAN EMPIRE ROMANO
IMPERO (There is also a version in English)
![](../../../../linengl/images/romana venteglio6.gif)
"I do not know whether it really
worth telling from the very beginning the whole of Roman history. If also
I knew it, I would not dare it, because I realize that it is an operation
as old as practiced, while modern historians or believe they can
have anything to contribute more documented in the narrative of the facts, or
to overcome the style's roughness of the ancients. Whatever happens,
will still worthy of gratitude that I have done so, in
limits of my ability, to perpetuate the memory of the acts by
greatest people on earth. "
(Livy, From Urb's foundation,
Praefatio, 1-3.)
(Titus Livius, Ab Urbe condita,
Praefatio, 1-3.)
This site aims to make known a little bit more, a vanished world that has been the basis of all modern civilizations. The ancient Romans did not belong neither to Italy in Rome, but to the world.
Rome brought the world laws, art and culture when the world around them had none. And Rome had because it was a jumble of races, peoples and religions. Rome was the first multiracial center, because 75% of Roman citizens come from other lands, other races and other cultures.
And this happened in the following centuries, Rome was the largest reception center in the world even in the later periods. Stroll the streets of Rome and read to understand it:
Via of the Spaniards, Portuguese, Avignon, Poles, Greeks, Saxsons, the walls of the French, Hungary and Spain square etc.
Rome is yet to be discovered, in the underground has countless artifacts, both because the Romans did not wear away the debris when demolishing and because, having high islet no more than 20 m. and many domus with maximum two floors, they were occupying more land per capita than today. Most landowners had their country villa built just outside the walls, or continuing on consular roads, for which the city extended over a vast area. In fact, the neighborhoods of Rome often have unearthed domus, often then covered to save them from looting..
But not even the center of the City has been discovered, because under Roman palaces there is the Rome of the past. Text makes the ancient sundial of Campo Marzio, all in granite with the hours in Roman bronze letters three meters high each. It seems that the gnomon was an obelisk that is now in Piazza del Popolo. The discovery was reburied because most of the sundial lies under the buildings of the Campus Martius, so despite having created vast underground well shored areas, it was closed to the surface, leaving it to posterity.
«Rome is the capital of the world! In this place is linked the entire history of the world, and I intend to be born a second time, to be truly risen, the day I set foot in Rome. By its beauties I have raised gradually until their height»
(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Italienische Reise,
Rome was a city that has taken the best from everyone and was able to turn it into a universal civilization. It was a center organized as a few, and to understand it you have to understand the ancient Romans. Rome was also one of the more generous in its domain, respectful of the customs and religions of others. Which today can not be said of the current religions. Tolerance and indeed the reception of others cults made Rome great, just dig in 'castra' to discover that every soldier had a god of his native land, and no one gave him trouble. But, most of all, no one claimed to have in his pocket revealed truth (*), all the gods were good. Civilization is tolerance and breadth of boundaries, especially in the brain.
PURPOSE: in these pages would be hosted well documented written matters, and other materials that can make appreciable again the taste of classics and history and point out to our little historical truths, objectively dispelling myths . It should beeither timely objections and criticisms against unrealistic and deteriorate fashion in force to criticize ourselves, and stop beat our breasts even when it is not really the case ..