Info about the subject |
The Focus TV channel was launched in Italy July 13, 2012 and the broadcasts started officially on July 28 at 8:00 am.
The channel was born thanks to a licensing agreement between Switchover Media and Gruner + Jahr / Mondadori, publishers of the magazine Focus.
It is a thematic and factual entertainment channel and covers topics of natural science, pseudoscience, history, with the help of Focus magazine . From April 9, 2014 the channel has entered the Sky channel number 418.
Since July 23, 2015 the channel is joined to the channel of satellite Tivùsat platform 56. The official speaker of the channel was Andrea Mete.
The transmission is very followed by youth and ufologists, and by many science fiction fans. Especially about UFOs usually Focus launches in the ether a series of incredible fantastic baloneys. Although their information is sometimes useful to the common knowledge, if you don't mind the scientific language inaccuracies, particularly in the definition of the physical quantities, temperature, energy and heat as well as others.
I then noticed the superficiality of content and the inadequacy of language when they treated the topics that I know well for having worked, ie the production of semi-finished steel products,
But what is the worst aspects of this broadcaster are the historical lies, which do not take any account of the consolidated historical reality over time by documents and evidence. Many outright their lies have spread to political aims and against religious beliefs particularly in certain periods of the year, Christmas and Easter for example. The usual strands:
- Jesus Christ is not the 'son of God'
- Jews had been invaded and oppressed by the ancient Romans
- Jesus Christ wasn't killed by the Sanhedrin, or if yes, He was killed to please the Romans, or with the their complicity because they feared His preaching, or He was simply killed by the Romans 'tout court' as some kind of 'rebel'
They pretend to reveal the unusual side of reality also from the small screen, but they ignore and despise the Story, do know poorly the scriptures and the New Testament, and you might, as how great is their ignorance, compare them to Geovah Witnesses or to other man-made and senseless religious ideologies so widtespread in the New World .
In some american 'universities' I dont know if and what they are studying about certain subjects, and what makes some so-called 'professors' to talk about silly stories, telling lies and citing inappropriate or false documents and fonts.
From that, however, one might deduce who they work for, and for whom are spread their monstruous ballocks.

Is Jesus Christ the Son of God |
I'm a believer, as indeed I can not expect everyone to believe as I do. But if one comes to Rome, go on a crossway of Via Tuscolana and ask me who was the man of the street name as Titus Quintius Penno, or Calpurnius Flamma, o Decius Spurinna, even if I do not know who they were, I can search those names and can tell who is who, because the Romans were recording every event in the Annales, namely the diary of public affairs.
I can Know many things, if not everything, about the Roman story that reached us since up twenty seven centuries. Citing the Gospels themselves and comparing them with Roman History it's also possible to determine the exact date of many events including the birthday of our Redeemer.
In fact there was a misunderstanding of the census date, that was held in Palestine 6 years before that in the rest of the Empire, due to the fact that in Palestine they used to be enrolled in the family's original place.
I can't explain myself then why any 'professor' or 'studious' does not trust the historicity of the Synoptic Gospels.
Here we can see the studious St. Jerome, (right: San Girolamo by Caravaggio). Sofronius Eusebius Hieronymus, (Stridone, 347 – Betlehem, 30 september 419/420), was a Roman theologian. Father and Doctor of the Church, he translated from greek to latin the Old Testament (we got, intact or fragmented, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the Song, from the Septuagint) and, subsequently, the entire hebraic Scripture. He did select the scriptures and enumerate all chapters and verses of the four Synoptic Gospel, the acts of the Apostles usually dated to around 80–90 AD, the letters os St Paul the Apostle, and all the other 'canonical' textes of the catholic Church.
I am a layman believer, as I said before, and I cannot expect that every one will believe Christ to be God. But since I am also a rational being, I can hardly explain why those professors and scholars, who can get to study this much rich and undoubtedly authentic material, maybe in the original Greek language, instead they write and tell many many stupid things about Jesus Christ, that contradict the story that the direct and nearer witnesses had written about.
Instead they could better search for explaining facts with natural or fantasy explanations - I too could suggest many - but not to deny the facts how they have been told by direct witnesses.
Provided that the TV tellers and the texts writers aren't so stupid of fool to invent and spread around free fakes and shit, it is possible to imagine some of the reasons for,
- Jews try to discharge temselves from the terrible weight of their ancient responsibility. Vainly. See the St. Peter words at Sanhedrin Acts Cap. 4 ""Rulers of the people and elders, [9] since today we are questioned about the good deed done to a sick man and the manner in which he has been healed, [10] it is known to all of you and all the people of Israel: in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified while Pilate wanted to save it, whom God raised from the dead, this man stands before you healthy ". Note: someone also hid in their text the part "while Pilate wanted to save it"
- Muslims say that the Prophet sent by God is Mohammed, and Jesus is simply one of the other prophets. If you don't think so you are an infidel and must be killed because you're insulting Allah.
- Masons say that God is the Universal Architect, but that He is indifferent to men and to everything that happens in the world and in the Creation. He fixed initially the laws of operation of the machine and that's all. Moreover they see the Religion, mainly the Catholic Church, as another kind of competitor masonry. They see the catholic Church as a powerful organization which steal them a considerable space of power.
- Atheists. God does not exist, the matter has always existed, and so the physical laws. Casual events govern the universe. The human species is made with a type of animals who where endowed eventually having the opportunity to evolve a thinking brain, more complex than that of other animals. The ateist's gods are the matter, the evolution, the science, the case. The religion is a superstructure, superfluous if not harmful to the functioning of human society.
As we are Jesus believers we should not hate anyone, not even our worst enemy, said Jesus. In fact we should love and help everyone. We recognize, however, that to do so it takes a gutsy, and not always is possible.. |

Palestine invaded and oppressed? |
These are unbelievable lies. Unless that are told for some 'political' reason, the crass ignorance of ancient history becomes monstrous when speaking of the relationship between ancient Jews and Romans. (please see my article 'defending Pilate'). Even His Holiness Pope Francis, who should master the scriptures, just that Good Friday spoke of 'complicity of the Romans' who have consented to the crucifixion of an innocent.
This phrase also, if it were not reckless and imprudent or a simple lapsus, would imply that God has exceeded to demand that his Son Jesus Christ was crucified, that God is not the Lord of history, and that this horrible event wasn't necessary to redeem the mankind!
The anxiety of ecumenism and religious peace also betrayed Pope Francis. In fact the Romans have been the innocent instrument, because the entire responsibility falls onto the Jews.
(Matthew 27.24 to 25)
"24 When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult, he took water and washed his hands before the multitude, saying," I am innocent of the blood of this just man; see ye to it. " 25 And all the people answered, "His blood be on us and on our children."
It is no longer the time that this fact can be cause of anti-Semitism, because the reasons that some have for hating Jews are quite different, mainly of economic and political order. Let's say the truth: let's say that the Romans of Pompey the Great, were invited by Jews to free Palestine and to end the tyranny and the monstruosity of Maccabees descendants and of the satraps of Alexander the Great.
Julius Cesar himself, besieged in Alexandria by the Egyptians, was saved by a Jewish army arrived from Palestine to rescue him . The same Cesar had then in return granted to Jews special privileges.
Later, at the time of Augustus a delegation of Jews had traveled at Rome to ask fori the annexation to the consulate of Syria, and the cancellation of the testament of Herod the Great.
While I have news of a famine in Palestine at the time of the Empire Claudius, I am not aware that there were famines in the time of Augustus.
About the famine at the time of Claudius is spoken in the letters of St. Paul. With the roads network built by the Romans it was possible for him to collect supply and transport easily from neighboring countries to Jerusalem enough food and grain commodities , to rescue the Christian community.
Certainly the Jewish people was crossed by internal divisions and hatreds, and was very turbulent. The Romans collected taxes through 'collection agencies' composed of Jews, in exchange for protection against Arab marauders at south and the parthians at east, and for their public works.
This was a normal condition of all the nationalities and peoples that entered within the Empire, including the Roman Citizens. In addition the Roman left usually local potentates to govern on their behalf, intervening only in case of problems or inadequacy.
Jesus himself never criticized the Romans, even when His enemies wanted to get him to do it, Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they marveled at him. This could mean also that Jesus is the first that recognized the separation between civil and religious power.
After few years, the religious intolerance among Jews was the cause when the Emperor Claudius decided to expel all the Jews from Rome, due to the fights between Christians and Orthodox Jews and the murders that they caused for religious reasons. Jesus knew well the quarreling and intolerance typical of his countrymen, and even predicted the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 d.c.
From the Gospel according to Luke. 23, 27-31
And there followed him a great multitude of people and of women who bewailed and lamented him. But Jesus turning to them said, "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children. Behold, the days are coming when they will say, 'Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed ".Then begin to say to the mountains,' 'Fall on us!' ', And to the hills' 'Cover us''.
For if they do this when the wood is green, what will happen when it is dry? ".
The Roman Legions, which were the most powerful and efficient army of the ancient world, were the tool to open and keep the road to civilization. Most of the time this was done in response to aggressions, to eliminate pirates and raiders, and to make trading secure and free.
After initial resistance, the same conquered peoples recognized the superiority of the Roman system and became voluntarily part of it. The Romanized world has never achieved peace and the prosperity of the days of Augustus, perhaps even today.
Then I can't understand why certain so-called 'professors' and also some priests teach that the Romans were a nation of oppressors, whereas the concept of nation and racism were not yet born.
The Romans were those who taught the peoples of the Western world to live together with the example of law and order and civilization that they exported throughout Europe and the known world by their example, and by basing almost all the major cities in the wild territories..Their heritage is the main basis of our actual world too.
At the siege of Jerusalem in 70dc, Titus army waited for the various Jewish factions to destroy each other, before to step in and finish the job, starting the diaspora. |

The Jesus trial |
We all know what the Gospels refer, having heard to tell it always, every year, before and during the Easter season. Then It's needless to repeat it here. Let me just summarize some facts:
- The figure of Jesus of Nazareth worried very much the religious authorities in Jerusalem for the critical attitude of Jesus toward Pharisees and Scribes, but especially due to the turmoil that the teacher, coming from Galilee to the Passover, aroused among the people. Judean authorities were offended that he had repeatedly proclaimed himself 'son of God'; also feared that he wanted to proclaim himself the King of Israel, and the same fear also occurred between the rulers and local elites. The news that circulated about this teacher, who called to prepare for the coming of a 'kingdom of God' were not at all reassuring. The one and the others were, therefore, prejudiced against him. I personally believe that the motives of hatred for Jesus were the same for all: they were just reasons of power, although in different fields.

- For the Jews, understanding the Roman mentality was just as difficult for the Romans to understand the Jews. Perhaps more than the doctrinal issues themselves, what most worried the religious authorities was the fear that Jesus challenged the constituted authority. This, they thought the Jews Priests, could give rise to a popular agitation that the Romans would not tolerate. Moreover, many modern, including Europeans, and even very educated and prepared persons, but diverted by the Jewish influence in religious education, have never understood the Roman mentality. In fact the practical Roman mentality would probably have welcomed the advent of a new Herod the Great, who would rule on their own and paid tributes to Rome, leaving them free to confront Parthians and Arab raiders. The Romans would not have therefore failed to grope such an advantageous diplomatic line.
However, the Jews moved the cause before Pilate, bringing the litigation against Jesus in front of the Roman authority.
- For its part Pilate knew very well what were the reasons for which they had delivered Jesus: he knew that they 'had delivered him for envy' the Gospel says. Pilate therefore feared that both the religious and civilian authorities, if he had disgruntled them, could provoke riots that would ruin his image before the Emperor. The canonical Gospels do not say it, but what fool can think that a Roman Procurator should not follow carefully speeches and preaching of a 'revolutionary' character such as Jesus? How can we think that he couldn't know everything about Him before? The same Pontius Pilate's wife undoubtedly had followed the Jesus preaching, and maybe even had also supported Him with material contributions so much that then she herself became a Christian.
The logic sequence of facts is therefore as follows
- Only a fool would think at the time that the Jews could beat a strong armed and organized army as the Roman one. In fact many of the Jews were so mad and presumptuous as to think it, and decades after they paid the penalty.
- Jesus was not who believed Jews, Priests, Pharisees,Scribes and Zealots.
The Romans instead knew exactly who he was. The Emperor Tiberius, who wanted a State religion of more rational content, other than the bits of the Greek-Roman Pantheon, when he learned that Jesus was been condemned was very angry with Pilate, who had allowed the killing. Pilate as proconsul had failed, and lost his job.
- Pilate, aware of everything by his spies, knew that someone was preparing a revolt, and that someone wasn't Jesus. Fearing the Emperor Tiberius' wrath in the event of an uprising that had forced the repressive intervention of Syrian legions, Pilate acted as he could. He tried to exonerate Jesus from accusations and to defend him, he thought that his followers would choose Him instead of Barabbas. At the end, desperate and frustrated, he washed his hands. And please tell me if you were in his trousers what would you have done. For the rest was Jesus who wanted to sacrifice himself for our salvation, and he yielded no ground for his defense.

As I'm a rational layman I must judge facts with my reason and conclude that Jesus Christ is a very important historical figure, and that he wasn't simply a man, if the witnesses doesn't lie. To this fact I could give many fantastic explanation,. Because fantastic, these explanations could be only fake theories, like those that lead the 'experts' who tell lies in TV.Focus Channel.
Now the archaelologicl and historical research is more advanced, and if serious, the history investigators cannot give importance to facts that contradict the Roman History, coming from authors that wrote their fake 'Gospels' many centuries after the Christ's death, basing on legend an tales.
And it's not serious also to spread the theories born in some particular centuries, where about the ancient Romans was said incredible and fantrastic lies based mainly on tales and legends, and very poor documents.
I think that's much less serious than the great figures of religion and politics give up to tell the truth in the name of values that currently do not apply to everyone, and that it will be difficult to apply unless the parties do not hand over their roots. Perhaps politics can pass over truth in the name of the lesser evil, but they too only until a certain point.
As I'm also a believer after having judged the facts with my reason I have to conclude that Jesus Christ wasn't simply a man, but he is really the son of God. God donated me the Faith, and I do not see why should I change it, as I don't find reasonable and viable alternatives in any other religion or human science or philosophy.
I cherish a hope that nobody can deride. I hope that when i'll cross the tunnel of death, I will find the other side of the road that Jesus has promised. If you have my same hope and you'll be mocked because of this, ask to those who deride you 'please, then tell me then what is yours'.
