Interpreting this parable, as I'm a lay faithful who firmly believes in Our Lord Jesus Christ, I realize that in order to be like the trusted servant He speaks about, and to receive my final reward I must actively practice charity, and strive to act as free man, that is a fellow whose actions are directed to the good.
The free man does'nt become slave to his passions and doesn't even try to harm others' freedom by harming them, or causing them to be harmed.
I think that 'stay awake' means that one must not lose the sight of own's ultimate goal, using all those tricks that allow to act well and promptly remedying the evil that one could have done to himself or to others, persevering in pursuing the good and keeping alive the Faith up to the end of one's earthly existence.
In this I personally found a great help by attending the formation means and spiritual assistance that Opus Dei men gave me, where I learned how to sanctify myself and others through my professional work, although being fully in the world.
Every person who wants to follow Christ, however, has at his disposal many means, among which one can choose the one or those suited to one's particular spirituality or vocation.
In this the Catholic Church offers innumerable organizations and occasions to do so, to help us 'watching over' during the journey of earthly life.
Lino Bertuzzi
Holy Gospel according to Matthew 24,42-51
"Stay awake therefore, for you do not know on what day your Lord will come. Consider this: if the landlord knew at what hour of the night the thief would come, he would watch and not let the house be broken. Now that when you do not imagine, the Son of Man will come."
Who then is the trusted and prudent servant that the master has appointed to his servants with the task of giving them food at the proper time? Blessed is that servant whom the master will return to acting like this on his return! In truth I tell you: he will entrust him with the administration of all his goods.
But if this wicked servant said in his heart: My master is late to come, and began to beat his comrades and to drink and eat with the drunkards, the master will arrive when the servant does not expect it and at the hour he does not know , he will punish him with rigor and inflict on him the fate that the hypocrites deserve: and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. "
