« Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.»
As we read in many passages of the Gospels, Jesus' disciples struggle to understand, indeed they really did not understand who Jesus was.
Judas for example, like many others, MAYBE thought that Jesus was speaking of an earthly kingdom, he thought that the Messiah would constitute an army, perhaps supported by God, as is said to have happened at the time of Moses and the liberation of the Jews from Egypt. He thought that the Messiah would lead an army and drive the Romans out of Palestine and keep the Parthians and other past invaders away.

When he saw that instead the Master was dying on the cross together with two murderous scoundrels, he realized his terrible mistake and committed suicide by hanging himself. If he had instead asked for forgiveness for his betrayal he would have obtained it, but unfortunately Judas had not understood the truth until the last moment too.
Already other times we read that the disciples ask Jesus which of them will be the most important in the Kingdom of Heaven, here also they insist: "Who then is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?".
Jesus' response is in harmony with all the rest of the teachings that the Master imparts to us in all of his preaching. Now I'll try to better understand the meaning of Jesus' phrase
« [..] unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven [..] »
here children are the ideal figure of a "tabula rasa" in mind and soul open and available to welcome new experiences and sensations, free from hypocrisies and ulterior motives and free from prejudices and limiting superstructures. From this point of view, Jesus vigorously warns against harming children.
How can I make myself small, like a child
As far as I'm concerned, I think I can make myself small if I abandon myself to Jesus, if I have faith in what he teaches me, if I try to understand him and adapt.
I can make myself small if I don't take too much and unfair pride in who I am, if I avoid presumption, if I read and meditate on the Gospel, and perhaps try to have what I don't understand explained to me.
I cringe if during everyday life I try to rationally and prudently put into practice what Jesus teaches; if every day I serenely accept whatever good or bad comes to me and I pray that Jesus will make me understand what he wants from me.
I am 'a little one' if I think that the Kingdom of Heaven is not of this earth and I avoid clericalism and bigotry; if I don't confuse individual ethics, mine, with the political one, that of the community; that is, if, to put it briefly, I try to avoid the error of the disciples before the descent of the Holy Spirit

Your Angel is always with you, he can
protect you, helps if you ask him
in the right manner. Please let's try
not to
do what can give him discomfort
or pain Just as Jesus in other passages confirms the existence of the personification of evil, that is, of Satan and his infernal evil spirits, here he speaks of the Angels and assures us of their existence. Each of us have our own Guardian, Angel to whom we can turn for help. We need our Angel to be close to us, that we perhaps give him a name, and that we remember to pray to him every day. I have personally experienced that my Angel, I will not say the name by which I address him, can often help me in the little things of every day, as long as I make an effort to cultivate his friendship, and do not forget about him. Don't take me for crazy, or foolish, because I assure you that my feet are firmly on the ground. My Guardian Angel exists, he doesn't have wings, and he is not the imaginary friend of a sick psyche. EVEN SPEAKING TO YOUR ANGEL, YOU GET BECOMING LIKE A CHILD, AS JESUS SAYS.
As for the lies and inventions told on TV in certain cultural programs whose disseminators are self-styled professors of certain Anglo-Saxon universities, I would suggest reading the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles.
Knowledge of these and of a minimum of Latin literature and the history of Rome would allow them (unless they are in bad faith) not to say nonsense regarding the 'oppression' of the Romans over Palestine and the murder of Jesus perpetrated from Pontius Pilate (click)
Acts of the Apostles
[29] Peter then responded along with the apostles: "It is necessary to obey God rather than men. [30]The God of our fathers resurrected Jesus, whom you killed by hanging him on the cross (º). [31] God raised him up with his right hand, making him a leader and savior, to give Israel the grace of conversion and forgiveness of sins. [32] And of these things we and the Holy Spirit are witnesses, whom God has given to those who submit to him." [33] When they heard these things, they were angry and wanted to kill them.
(ª) for political correctness the phrase: "WHILE PILATE WANTED TO SAVE HIM" was deleted in modern times

Don't worry ! the mercy of Jesus
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew 18,1-5.10.
The disciples approached Jesus and said, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?"
He called a child over, placed it in their midst,
and said, "Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.
Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me.
See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven always look upon the face of my heavenly Father.
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