«When they saw him, they bowed down, but some had doubts ... »
The eleven had always been with Jesus, yet had accompanied him wherever he went, had shared his food, had witnessed his miracles, had received his teachings ... and had still doubted about him.
Do not worry too much then, if sometimes we also doubt, alto when we try to associate with Jesus in spirit, and we often communicate at Mass to be closer to Him, as He wanted us to do in His memory. .

Of all nations make disciples ... teach them
to observe everything I have commanded you
In short, if I have received the gift of Faith from God, I do not have to worry or regret having doubts sometimes, but I should not give it too much importance.
In fact, the doubt of the man of faith are the malicious suggestion coming from the bottom of the soul, one of the many temptations with which evil never ceases to attack, and the doubts are among the most dangerous. They must be ignored.
All temptations should be ignored. So in my opinion, we shouldn't think about and give importance to, but we have to apply to stick to something else, because how we say, "the nail drives out the nail".
For example, it is very helpful to think of something we love, something positive, a family affection that softens us, or even to say a prayer.
Temptation can be silenced in several ways. For example, I think of the Virgin Mary, imagine her beautiful face and remember the many times I believe that she came to my rescue. And then the temptation becomes silent.
What, in my opinion, is more demanding of an ordinary Christian and not so easy to achieve in today's world is Jesus' other commandment: «Make disciples of all nations ... teach them to observe all that I have commanded you».
Each of us lay Christians must therefore do it, according to his possibilities and to the place occupied, because the general good depends on the whole of the behaviors of the individuals who make up a human society.
There are those who obey Jesus by showing love and fidelity to the family, by observing the just laws of the State, that is to say by offering an example of exemplary and generous life typical of person who reads the Gospel; and also there are those who do it by bringing concrete and immediate help to the suffering neighbor.
However the concrete help, however, cannot consist solely of giving alms or bringing food and blankets and something else to those unfortunate people who have no roof to shelter.
I think that those politicians - women and men - who sincerely strive to do the true common good, working with intelligence, sacrifice and personal commitment, and applying healthy pragmatism, abstracted from certain pernicious ideologies, can be all the more useful to everyone else.
In case they have the opportunities and the means, I think it is for Christians to avoid pursuing and trying to realize ideas which, from certain experiences, destroy their own freedom and that of others.
To put in practice such obsolete ideas shall depress the economy and spread the general misery, while apparently it should help the people and achieve social justice.
For those who want to be Christians, it is certainly a duty to oppose decisively, according to own possibilities, anything which in the end can only cause an increase evil: it is confusion, filth, increasing number of people without shelter and vagrants, drug addicts, delinquents and displaced persons in general; it is necessary to oppose everything which is also today the cause of so much other sufferings, with false beneficent ideas and erroneous or useless legislation.
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew 28,16-20.
16 The eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had ordered them.
17 When they saw him, they worshiped, but they doubted.
18 Then Jesus approached and said to them, "All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit,
20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age."
Traduzione liturgica della Bibbia