«And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it»
On the solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, patrons of the Eternal City, an interior voice whispers in my heart: «be quiet, the gates of hell will not prevail».

The gates of hell will not prevail against it. Many of her servants confuse in good faith between what is the true good and what satan makes believe it is.
If we are
christians we must not criticize them but pray a lot for them: omnia in bonum.
For this the Holy Father asks us to pray for himself and for the Church he has been called to lead.
Let us pray that the Holy Spirit will enlighten him and that in making government decisions he will be able to distinguish the false good, which Satan is very skilled to disguise and pass off as true.
Pray that we, ordinary faithfuls, too will be able to understand that we cannot let our guard down and confuse tolerance and love of neighbor with surrender to the abominable and inadmissible, and with renunciation of ourselves and of whom we are.
Let us also pray that materialism and atheism, practical or theoretical as it may be, will not prevail definitively by making us believe that Jesus Christ was not God, and that this does not lead us to destroy the society in which we live, and with it also ourselves.
We currently have critical and dangerous situations before our eyes, and the foundations itself of good management of human society is in doubt.
And not only that, but also the doctrinal basis of the Church are endangered, which is even more serious. Very serious and intolerable.
We are witnessing the dictatorship of relativism, we are immersed in widespread hedonism, practical atheism.
The confusion that reigns supreme doesn't allow to distinguish between individual ethics and that of public practice.
All this has made it very difficult to understand what is good and what is bad.
Political ethics should evaluate what is the greater good or the lesser evil for an entire community, and act accordingly, and therefore must necessarily be different from that of the single person who is free to do good, and also to do himself. harm by doing it, or even harm others.
Furthermore, the person who follows any religion or even a political ideology, perhaps mistaking it for religion, and believing it by terrestrial faith as the Marxists do, is free to follow or not follow its dogmas and dictates, but without oppressing others.
The Catholic Church in this sense is today an example of correctness.
Today, on the other hand, apparently good things and serious political mistakes are being done, that cause pernicious effects on common life and also on individuals.
Rationality and the ability to evaluate and weight common good and evil seem dead, a blind materialistic and ideological faith triumphs.
A reason more that we need prayer. May God inspire the rulers and the whole population.
Here ends the comment. Here are two notes. The first of chronicle and the second of history
CHRISTIANS RUNS A RISK IF THEY FOLLOW THE MATERIALISTS IN POLITICAL PRACTICE, which is substantially inspired by similar concepts.
I saw on TV an old and well-known homosexual, C.P, to become agitated and scandalized because the Catholic Church, while not discriminating against homosexuals, demands chastity from them, and considers their sexual relations a grave sin against nature and against God.
The old man opens his eyes wide, pendulous jaw, shakes on his chair then almost sneeringly exclaims:
what, how, how? and love? can't we make love? But for heaven's sake!
And another young man, a continuer of those who once spoke of democracy in terms of a rifle on the workers' shoulders, jumps into his chair, looks fiercely with true hatred grinding at the priest who quoted the article from the catechism and clicks:
incredibler, really! are we in the Middle Ages?
These people therefore claim that the Catholic religion has to admit something contrary to its own constitution.
They seem to have no idea of what freedom is, and would like to impose themselves on others. If they disagree, please don't go to church! Nobody forces them to go there!
In the first centuries when the Christian religion was for a long time the official religion and the only one admitted, the zeal and the fervid imagination of the faithful invented every kind of things.
They unchained imagination of martyrs up to saints that never existed such as Santa Barbara, to unlikely outrages and tortures inflicted on Roman citizens even of ancient Roman noble lineage, because they were Christians.
In short, there was the classic fall off to the other side of the horse, especially due to the influences of the customs and behaviors of the tribes of savages who had destroyed the organization and structure of the empire and had settled in every part of Europe. starting from the fifth century.
To avoid falling into fanaticism and saying wrong things I therefore recommend that you read up.
I suggest as a source the historical-religious literature of the priest Giuseppe Ricciotti.
Speaking of the acts of the apostles, which ends abruptly and does not speak of the outcome of the final judgment on Saint Paul, nor of his beheading, Ricciotti affirms that probably The Apostle had been acquitted and set free, just haow has happened in previous occasions.
He hypothesizes that Lucas does not talk about it because of the fact that he did not want to recognize that 'the great harlot' had an unattainable culture of law, the one that after centuries, with a relatively re-established civilization, returned to vogue.
Ricciotti, Giuseppe. (Rome, February 27, 1890 - Rome, January 22, 1964) - was a Biblical semitist and archaeologist, a profound scholar of Christianity and its origins.
An exemplary citizen and military chaplain, he earned a golden medal 
Sac. Giuseppe Ricciottito military valor in the First World War.
From this dramatic experience arose and matured, as he himself tells in the presentation, his most significant work: Life of Jesus Christ. The text, published in 1941, subsequently had numerous other editions edited by himself.
Abbot of the Lateran canons regular was a scholar of the Old Testament and the origins of Christianity, professor of the history of Christianity at the University of Bari (since 1950).
Among his vast production, characterized by traditional Catholic positions, in addition to critical studies and versions of various biblical books, versions from Greek (Josephus Flavius, 1937) and Syriac, stand out: the History of Israel (2 vols., 1932-34); Life of Christ (1941); Paul the Apostle (1949); Acts of the Apostles (1951); and a monograph on Julian the apostate (1956). He was editor of the Italian Encyclopedia ..
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew 16,13-19.
13 Jesus went into the region of Caesarea Philippi and he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?”
14 They replied, "Some say John the Baptist, others Elijah, still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets."
15 He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?"
16 Simon Peter said in reply, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God."
17 Jesus said to him in reply, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father.
18 And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it.
19 I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."
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Traduzione liturgica della Bibbia