Foglio I
Title Author Publisher Year
Summary of Catholic morality
Questions and answers
Redazione ESD ESD - Edizioni Studio Domenicano 1995 - 2000.

LANGUAGE: italian - I put in the first position and recommend this precious pocket book of 113 pages, dedicated to all those who first became interested in reading challenging want to know quickly and simply all the rules that teach man how to behave and realize himself by living according to God. The moral is not a cage or a prison that takes away freedom. As well as the rules of health are intended to ensure our physical, moral norms are the conditions necessary for the welfare of the spirit; not hindering but facilitate the achievement of the desired results.

Evangelii Gaudium Papa Francesco I Click the link november 2013

LANGUAGE: english - the incipit of papal documents generally indicates the main text's intention. Throughout this book the heart and the dominant point are to describe the joy and desire that the Christian must feel for the evangelization of others, to find out all the joy that arise from faith and hope and which attracts to the things of heaven and for eternal salvation. Thus the Apostolic Exhortation isn't addressed only to the bishops, priests, deacons, and consecrated persons, but also to the lay faithful, because every Christian should be an apostle who proclaims the Gospel in the present life, particularly through the example..

Ascetic meditated Canals, Salvador Click the link 1986 II ed. & after

LANGUAGE: spanish - Mons. Salvador Canals (1920-1975) was the founder and first director of 'Catholic Studies'. This book takes the series of articles that he signed for years in his magazine. These are spiritual considerations  familiarly aimed to the readers. Cesare Cavalieri writes in the presentation: may the meditation of this pages that teach acknowledging the Lord in the midst of daily events, poke in the player's decision to contribute in burning all the ways of Earth by the Christ fire; this is in fact the only purpose for which they were lived, thought, written and printed. Please ask the english edition from publisher: Ares - Milano

The Way, Furrow, The Forge Josemaría Escrivá Click this link 1987 & after

LANGUAGE: english - Pope St. John Paul II said that St. Josemaría 'from the beginning has anticipated the theology of the laity that characterized then the Second Vatican Council and it's post-council. This is a book whose reading and meditation can ignite the soul of the reader in outbursts of holiness and apostolate.This book combines three beloved collections of spiritual guidance — The Way, Furrow, and The Forge — into one, with an expanded and combined index. It offers you a starting-point for prayer and for finding Christ in all your life’s experiences. This three-in-one edition introduces you to St. Josemaría’s guiding vision of holiness in everyday life.

Prayers and liturgical hymns Collection by Giuseppe Romano Ask here for english translation 1987 &after

LANGUAGE:italian - It is a small pocket-sized booklet enormously useful, indeed necessary to those who need and want to knowand use the common vocal prayers and traditional liturgical hymns.
More to the Italian translation of the original traditional Latin prayers it also contains the Mass Ordinary, a guide examination of conscience, the truths of the Faith, the precepts of the Church, the rules on indulgences, and liturgical latin hymns. Along with the usual index for chapters, it  has a useful index in alphabetical order to easily find what one needs.

Decenario al Espíritu Santo (Spanish Edition) Francisca Javiera del Valle Click this link 1995& after

 LANGUAGE: spanish - The poor seamstress Francisca (1856-1930) lived in the Castilian town of Carrión de los Condes, at Palencia, an obscure existence spent in the sewing shop that served the Jesuits of the 'Colegio del Sagrado Corazón'. Surprisingly deep spirituality and subtlety of his works, and the strength that many theologians might envy with which the reader is helped to know, love and pray to the one God in each of its people. The book outlines in ten 'days'; a journey of prayer which is also a journey of holiness in all human situations. It is a meditation on the life of the Holy Trinity and our lives in relationship with it, to such a depth and wisdom that can be explained only by the gift and the illumination that God grants to the souls who frequent it with intimacy: the gift of wisdom.

Gospel into the work Giuseppe Romano
José Luis Olaizola
Edizioni Paoline 1992 & after

LANGUAGE: italian - This book is not just a biography, but a trip to the spirituality. In the first part the reader knows and appreciates the reasons for o discreet existence, yet wonderfully rich in fruits; in the second part there's the surprising and poignant recordm and sometimes hilarious, a geographical and interior path in the footsteps of God's grace. The biography covers St Josemaria Escriva,who was canonized by Pope St. John Paul II the October 6, 1992.

The sacrifice of the Altar Federico Suárez Click this link  

LANGUAGE: english - This book speaks to all Christians, and is an invitation to meditate on the meaning and the fruits of the Holy Mass. The rite is tersely explained with Sacred Scripture and the Magisterium of the Church, and the result is a valuable practical guide to the Eucharistic liturgy, explained and meditated in each part, as it was created and has been emerging from apostolic times to the present. Author, former professor of contemporary history at the University of Navarra, he published also  Mary of Nazareth and Joseph the husband of Mary.

The Church is our Mother Josemaría Escrivá Click this link n

LANGUAGE: english - This book brings together four homilies of St. Josemaria Escriva:

- Loyalty to the Church;
- The supernatural end of the Church;
- Priest Forever;
- Passionately Loving the World.

All these homilies have the common theme of the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ, and beautiful mother of all Christians: a theme to which St. Josemaría dedicated alwaysprominence, convinced that can't be a Christian without loving the Church. In particular 'Passionately Loving the World', which completes the picture painted by the first three, offers a beautiful reflection on the way in which men and women can serve the Church through the ordinary activities.

Meditations for every day
(  volumes set I- VII )
Francisco Fernàndez Carvajal Click here 1990 & after
Conversation with God

LANGUAGE:english - It is a 7 volumes set which is an outstanding benefit for personal prayer. A collection of meditations, one a day for the whole year, which starts from the readings of the Mass, and making use of the Christian tradition, the fathers of the Church and the best authors of spirituality, present throughout the liturgical year all the issues that a Christian has to deal with his father's God. 
From Lent to Easter and for every week of Ordinary Time,  each day has one or more homilies that provide arguments for personal meditation.

The Way Josemaría Escrivá Click here 1996-2000 & after

LANGUAGE:english - Here are 999 maxims and aphorisms of St. Josemaria Escriva for a Christian life. St. Josemaría expresses with them the assurance that every man can be sanctified and meet Jesus in the everyday life, and in particular in daily work and in the family. In fact, by family and work, a man expresses his participation in the creative power of God, and therefore is sanctified through the hard work and the faithful fulfillment of daily duties. For the first time these thoughts were published in 1934 in Spanish, and have a timeless message and open to all. Translated into 39 languages rhis is a classic of spirituality, and a useful help for personal meditation..

Via Crucis Josemaría Escrivá Click here 1989 & after

LANGUAGE:english - The Christian life comes down to follow Christ accompanying him closely. This book is an aid to meditate on the Passion of Christ in doing the pious exercise of the Via Crucis; it is a suggestion, because there are many methods to exercise this devotion, and. St. Josemaría never wanted to impose on anyone his tip, due to his great love for the conscience freedom in the life of piety. In addition to the fulfillment of the devotion of the Stations of the Cross this booklet can be used for meditation on particular days of the year.

Conversazioni notturne a Gerusalemme
(Nighttime conversations in Jerusalem)
Carlo Maria Martini
Georg Sportschill
Mondadori 2008

LANGUAGE: italian - In the fall of 2007, Carlo Maria Martini met in Jerusalem Georg Sportshill, Austrian Jesuit assisting street children in Romania and Moldova. Inspired by many meetings with  young people the two are asking questions clear and direct on alive and burning issues: Why believe in God? Where does it hurt? What does God want from us? And questions related to sexuality, friendship, and how the Church looks at the modern world and wants to engage in the challenge for justice and for peace.

Àlvaro del Portillo
(Prelato dell'Opus Dei)
Salvador Bernal Click here 1997 e segg.

LANGUAGE:english - It is the biography of the man that supported Josemaria Escriva from the beginning of the Opus Dei, sharing the path to a life of  industrious holiness, and became his successor in 1975. Among those who knew him, the opinion was unanimous. He was a holy man, full of deep humility and meekness, and lways forgetful of himself in favor of others. The words expressed in spontaneous synthesis by Msgr. Stanislaw Dziwisz, secretary of Pope John Paul II when he received the first holy card for private devotion to Don Alvaro printed in Polish: < as it was good the prelate!>