Tied hard in our things, inevitably immersed in the current edonistic and atheistic climate of our society, if we are not very careful and vigilant we could easily lose the right path and forget that we also - the lay people - have to 'sanctify' being fully in the world. We haven't to do this through some kind of heroism of which we could find never the occasion, but as we live our lives every day.

One of the very useful means to achieve and maintain the state toward which a person spiritually alive should look for, every single day pushing you to struggle following the teachings of Jesus Christ, is precisely the SPIRITUAL READING.

Let's strive then to find a few minutes to devote and rapid reflection on a passage from the Gospel, one randomly taken, or maybe even on what the priest says during the daily Mass.

In addition to read pleasant literature or other - no one asks us to be bigots and read only of religion or spirituality - we read every day a passage of some spiritual book, such that will inspire us to maintain a vision that is not limited to the materials of now and occupations of today.