PROCEDURE: let's resume by our editor the last htm page that we have previously prepared , and write the divisions (DIV) in their places between <BODY>
... </ BODY> described by a stylesheet set in the <head>... </head>. It is.
<link href="mystylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
The nested zones can't work properly if you don't assign them their own properties, that is, at least width, lenght and position. There we have to assign many other properties, according to our specifications. All such properties are assigned by this linked CSS.
. A general expression that calls a page is
<a href="page 1.htm" target="right_place" >Item 1</a></li>
that is, the title Item1 linked to the page nemed page1_htm will fall into the target named right_place. Here is supposed that all the pages involved are into the same folder.
This statement can be appllied however the item titles are written. For example let's say that
a) the page containing the menu is simply made with <p>.... </p>tags
We will have in the page theme 1.htm containing the THEME 1 items
<p style= "...."><a href="page 1.htm" target="right_place" >Item 1</a></p>
<p style= "...."><a href="page 2.htm" target="right_place" >Item 2</a></p>
<p style= "...."><a href="page 3.htm" target="right_place" >Item 3</a></p>
and so on ....
b) the themes menu can send to change and replace THEME 1 with another
We will have in the page theme 1.htm containing the THEME 1 items
<p style= "...."><a href="theme 1.htm" target="left_place" >Theme 1</a></p>
<p style= "...."><a href="thme 2.htm" target="left_place" >Theme 2</a></p>
<p style= "...."><a href="theme 3.htm" target="left_place" >Theme 3</a></p>
and so on ....
b) The links of the upper upper Menu of Themes can also send to change and replace the entire main page with another one. In this case we will open a new page each theme:
Of course the new main page can be cloned from the first one, and if there's sometjong different the initial content of each frame must be defined.
For example if we open mainpage1, is better to assign page 1.htm to the right side and menu 1 .to the left side In this case the target must be set to '_top'
In fact if we simply change the menu, unless we use a script, we cannot change the page which at that moment stands at right, and we have to click an item from the the new left side menu to change it.
that is, the title theme1 linked to the page named theme 1.htm will fall into the target named left_place. Here is supposed that all the pages involved are into the same folder
With regard to DIVs it's preferable to assign 'speaking names', That is, indicating by its name the position and function of each single DIV. Here I have given the names DIV in my language..