What Meta Tags are.
Meta Tags are "special" commands, essential to improve the visibility of your website on search engines. They are used not just to search engines, in some cases, in fact they get real special effects. For now we add only the main Tags that one can go to find and catch in internet. There are many with explanations in http://www.metatags.it/cosasono.php (Italian) or wherever you want.
<title>Structuring a web page HTML</title> is the title we see in the browser's header;
<meta name="description" content="Let's take an example of structuring a web page step by step-entering the main metatags"> is the description with which some search engines go to examine to index the site on the internet;
<meta name="keywords" content="web page, page, base, meta, tag"> are KEYWORDS: other search engines use these to index the website on the internet.
Let's open the previous page with the text editor and add the tags, or copy and paste all the text below. Save the page with another name and same extension .htm, i.e. save such as pagina_1.htm that then we will open in the browser. Apparently nothing has changed compared to the previous page:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<!--- common elements --->
<!--- head = header instructions and metetags -->
<title>Structuring a web page HTML</title>
<meta name="description" content="Let's take an example of structuring a web page step by step-entering the main metatags">
<meta name="keywords" content="web, page web, page, basic, meta, tags, tag">
<!--- bettween tag <body> and </body> let's write the page's content --->
This is the line of sample text that appears in the body of page. Nothing has apparently changed from the previous page
</html> |