by Lino Bertuzzi
The typical Web page is made with the following ordered elements:
  • data on the standard properties of the document (DOCTYPE);
  • TAG <head> .....</ head> , that is the header. Between the two page title and othe metatags - the instructions for the interpreter - that we will see later;
  • TAG <body> ..... </ body>, That is, the page's body. in which one writes the page's contents

Note: HTML is the acronym for HyperText Markup Language. TAG indicates a character or sequence of characters that serves as field's marker, making it possible to search within a file or across different files

You can use a text editor and save the file as HTML (.html or .htm).Then you can open it with your browser. If you intend go ahead with programming your website, I suggest you try the software ADOBE DREAWEAVER version CS6.

EXAMPLE: after understanding the elements of the page,

  1. copy and paste all the text that is below into your editor, including data in green - comments that are ignored by the interpreter, (do not copy the table borders).
  2. save the file with the extension .htm
  3. and then open it with Internet Explorer or another browser.

<!--- these above elements are common to all pages with which you give the standard . HTML 5 --->

<!doctype html>



<!--- head = theiheader. Here - between the <head> and </ head> we will write many different elements. Now only the page's title and meta tag to determine the character set-->

<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>This is the title that appears in the browser when you open the page</title>


<!--- below, between the <body> and </ body> we will write the contents of the page body --->


This is the line of sample text that appears in the body write page
