These notes are written with the intention to introduce a particular type of low-power and low-intensity laser
treatment that, by those who have tried it, is said would give almost miraculous results.
The experiments were planned and conducted, some of them more than 20 years ago, by Mr. Franco Mengoni, former owner of the 'Bioelettra' brand and owner of an old now abandoned site, using a device called Biolelettra 2001, built by the Guantera Laboratories (Rome) at the end of the past century.
Who's going to read the notes on the laser LLLB (Low Level Laser Beam) applied to medical treatments LLLT (Low Level Laser Treatment) - should acquire a minimum notion of the physical quantities involved in the process.
It is a low-intensity laser with a 635nm wave length, solid state, designed to lower chest time compared to similar products, that has been found particularly efficient in healing sores and wounds.
This treatment, mainly depending on the polarized lighr wavelenght, should have the following effects:
- Anti-inflammatory action: Activation of microcirculation, increased lymphatic drainage and inhibition of inflammation factors, such as PGE2 and interleukin-1
- Bio-stimulating action. It is
activation of the immune system, stimulating the production of fibroblasts, myofibroblasts and osteoblasts, acceleration of epithelial cell renewal, and the regenerative and repairing effects on nerve tissue
- Antibacterial and antiviral action It results of the previous actions, with increasing the macrophages and leukocytes number, and in their phagocytic activity towards bacteria and necrotic material, then with the cleansing of the treated tissue
- Analgesic action. It is direct analgesic effect on the nervous system (inhibition of nerve impulse approval in the axon membrane, selective blockade of pain pathways in favor of proprioceptive kinesthetic forms, inter-synaptic inhibition at the level of the gelatinous substance in the spinal cord) , and production of endorphins, with similar effect-opioids.
- Angiology: Vascular ulcers - Venous thrombosis
Surgery: wounds, scars and keloids - scars after surgery - cosmetics
- Dermatology: alopecia - Scars - Herpes Simplex - Herpes zoster - Pio-dermitis - Pemphigus - Acne - superficial mycoses - Hierve-Eczema - Dermatitis
Gynecology: cervicitis - breast dysplasia - bartolinites - mastitis - various aches
- Neurology: facial paralysis - Trigeminal neuralgia - optic nerve atrophy
Dentistry: Gingivitis - Canker sores - Alveolitis - periodontal abscess - a complementary therapy in bone implants - TMJ syndrome
- Ophthalmology: glaucoma - optic nerve disorders - optic nerve atrophy
- Orthopedics: epicondylitis; Epitrocleitis; Lombo-sacro-algias; Fractures; Tendonitis; Bursitis, plantar fasciitis
- Otorhinolaryngology: ear infections - allergic rhinitis - sinusitis - hearing loss - tinnitus
- Proctology: anal fissures-hemorrhoidal thrombosis-pilonidal cyst-external hemorrhoids
- Urology: Peyronie's disease - balanitis - epidimitis
Certainly apart from experiences carried out in the 60s in the USSR, of which little is known, you can not quote certain results performed with a methodology that pharmaceutical multinationals use for testing and approval of drugs.
Certainly for the drug companies the approval of a IIIb laser-therapy has many drawbacks.
As the laser acts primarily on the patient's internal resources, the body of which alone gets healing, we can imagine that the time length of a lllb treatment is such as to have no economic advantage to repay the costs of a serious research. More, personally I think that other inconvenient are the economical damage that a success of the laser therapy could have on drugs companies income and production methods.
I therefore believe that it is hard for anyone to invest money to conduct research that perhaps would bring benefits if not at a very long-term.. So we must be content to see here the results produced by those who heroically risked and spent a lot of money for developing personal ambitions.
Me too, I have to partly financed the experience, designing end assembling also a prototype for my strictly personal and private use, and mainly organized and payed the construction of many prototypes, in favor of a technician who had made before similar experiences at his own expense by spending a lot of great money.
I owe this to that person, because also losing a good money amount to finance the prototypes production I could learn much, and also had benefit to my vertebral column and surroundings. I refer also some systemic effects that I have observed on myself by those treatments.
The device transforms a very low amount of ELECTRIC energy to LUMINOUS polarized energy, in a form that should operate the upper-said positive actions..
APPLICATION 1 diabetic ulcer before being treated with LLLB laser - 3mW 1 source - Wl: 635nm
Gender: female Age: 80 years -
Ulcer pathological age: 24 months - width: around the entire leg
on leg: 30 cm deep 2 cm (irregulary). Beginning the treatment September 20, 2006

Here below the same diabetic sore at the end of treatment
February, 28, 2007
In spite of the patient's advanced age in six months of application of one hour par day muscles and skin have been raised and the patient has healed a wound for which it would have needed amputation.
The experiencer told me that after few days of treatment the the painful syndrome has ceased and the plague began to dry.
Gender: female Age: 74 years -
Ulcer pathological age: 24 months- Dimension: 2 X 3 -Depth: 1 cm (irregulary). Beginning the treatment unknown
Aspect of the previous one at the beginning and at the end after 30 sessions of one hour in the period of 40 days [with 1 laser source]
EXAMPLE: a solid state laser module receives incoming electrical energy and emits a beam of electromagnetic polarized energy (polarized light). Even In this case, the polarized light's power of the ray is less than the input electrical power, and then a part of the energy goes to heat the module itself and is lost in the environment .
Gender: male Age: 72 years -
Ulcer pathological age: 1 month - Dimension: 6 X 6 cm (irregularly)
Depth: 1,5 cm (irregulary). Beginning the treatment is unknown (but the year 2010)
Beginning |
End |
Aspect of the previous one at the beginning and at the end after 20 sessions of 45 minutes in the period of 20 days [with 1 laser source].