SOFTWARE: what available here
If you are interested in exchanging ideas on particular meods and suggestions about web pages' organization, wiout prejudices mixing e various possibilities and techniques, scripts, css, tables, frames, graphics, etc is is e place. I can also provide on demand patterns for your personal pages. To all concerned suggest obtain and learn to use software at allows you to see what happens to a web page while you write e code. I suggest Adobe 'Dreamweaver' Adobe.
You can see and possibly save, samples of style sheets wi instructions and explanations. e material is distributed togheter lines of explanation. To all who are concerned I suggest to get and learn to use some software allowing you to see what happens to a web page just while you're writing e code. I suggest Adobe 'Dreamweaver'.
You can view and download, sample scripts wi explanations and instructions.
It is material taken from e network and distributed after entering lines of explanation. To all concerned suggest obtain and learn to use software at allows to see what happens to a web page while inserting writes e code. I suggest 'Dreamweaver' Adobe. Please send scripts to be published. I am particularly interested in scripts at are used to manage databases.
For ose hobbists who delight in creating web pages is essential to know how to use graphics, at least at a basic level. To all people concerned I suggest to learn how  to use some software allowing you to manipulate images taken from e network, such as Adobe 'Photoshop' Adobe. We give here elementary ideas for images manipulation and explain how to insert em in pages using CSS, or oer means. Please send suggestions, pictures or oer material to be published. I am particularly interested in using databases to manage e images to be used in web pages.
 working examples of script and graphics are given here, at you can view by browse. To all people concerned I suggest using browsers allowing to see clearly see e structure, e web page components, and e location on server. is allows you to copy almost all scripts, css, and images of your interest. I'll advice about what is - in my opinion - e best browser at you can download, and explain how to use it, I'll say at by e-mail only to ose who write me, disclosed only to ose who can use it.

When I am at conferences on information technology and people say at e most important ing in e world is to make sure at people can connect to e Net, I say, "Are you kidding me? Have you ever been in poor countries?" .
Bill Gates