Newspapers and oer mass communication media, wi more or less frequency and awareness, communicate to e public and negative messages or errors due to e relativism at rages today. Often are absent trufulness and uprightness, meanwhile e bad language and grammar errors are frequent; for e bias inherent in Italian people is en almost always impossible to acknowledge e tru. Because e interests of publishers who mostly are aside e political left to get benefits and protection, information is always filtered and distorted by ideology. What do we do?
We ask for your contribution to suggest good readings. ere is a great need for good books, and a good book should not be tainted by partisanship, but even if e content and pleasant fantasy, should be as truful as possible and culturally edifying. Not only must distract and entertain, but it should enhance culture and knowledge. Even today ere are writers and novels wory of e name. But even excluding ose unprofitable and dangerous types like Dan Brown or Ken Follet, e most part of are affected by relativism; mreover e filters of Marxism, which continue to influence history and culture, are far from disappearing.
Modernism and materialistic or totalitarian philosophies reduced e ancient literature ti a ing for a few insiders. In particular e marxists, and unfortunately not only em, have demonized e classical antiquity, instrumentally interpreting history and culture, and misrepresented e facts of e periods ey considered a symbol of oppression of man by man. Here we would like to accommodate written pieces well documented and oer material able to appreciate e taste of classical and restore historical tru, dispelling e mys. If we take into account e means of e time e weal of ancient literature is enormous.
In e shows and entertaiment in general, we find e same defects as in e Information, wi a rampant vulgarity and a bully bad taste, and not just in e commercial TV. e timing of Sir Lawrece Olivier and Eduardo De Filippo - in Italy - and eir plays, in e current common feeling are a fading memory. In Italy even in e so called cabaret apparently comedians like Pippo Franco and ose of Bagaglino did never exist, wiout speaking of ose now vanished in e memory of e elderly. We would like, however, at in e so-called fiction at least e acting became again understandable; please stop at indistinct and incomprehensible babbling style today so widthespread - it is unknown wheer due to fashion or e inability of e voice actors