I want to inform e eventually interested parties to implement innovative projects, at I worked on design and build electrical devices.
I illustrate here e work done for e brand 'Bioelettra' by Franco Mengoni, a cheap LLLB laser experienced for healing of diabetic ulcers. I built en and tested on myself two prototypes of my conception, ensuring successful outcomes of my herniated disc, spinal problems, and e knee joints. I would like state here even more ideas and different projects in is and oer fields.
I would like to propose schemes for training courses in various fields and wi various contents. For example a possible course of training for maintenance personnel. Also I inform any interested parties at years ago I started to realize an electronic book visible wi a browser. I suspended it but if someone wants to work to resume and complete e work investing time and work, we could talk again about. I inform at for about 20 years I have been working as amanager in e maintenance of large steel plants and metal works. Oer courses: if you live near me you can ask for private lessons in languages and maematics for high school, or even to make websites. We will find an agreement.
You can view and download manuals wi explanations and instructions.
It is material taken from e net and translated into e language of interest. I invite you to send material to be published, because oerwise e contents of is section will be poor, as for now I'm working alone. One can get if oers give...
I want here to be posted no surcharge projects and realization of e same, and also material for trademarks and patents have already been published previously. ese projects may consist of slide presentations f.i. type PPoint containoing also designs patterns tables and texts. If you do not send someing publishable, content of is section will not be many, as for now I'm alone to work. If you give, you will get ...