Not so much the existence of Islam should be of concern, or of any religion other than the Christian one. What more should disturb Westerners however, it is the ISLAMIC complete cultural unity, that has not only religious but social-political dimensions (as well as artistic, literary, etc.), which allowed the great development of Islam's ecumenism.
The good Mohammedan has indeed the duty to expand Islam by any means, and with the armed struggle against the 'infidel' if and as soon as circumstances permit. No wonder, then, does the principle of Jihad implicitly contained in the sacred texts and tradition, which along with the traditional 5 is for Muslims e 'six pillar of faith'. 
Just then at one of them makes war to the infidels, see suicide bombers, and the principle is satisfied. His actions count as credit for all Muslims in the eyes of God (Allah).
Make no mistake: the true Islamists, moderate or not they are, they all have the same goal which is our destruction or the conquest of our countries.
And now they do it in every way, both with the peaceful invasion of immigrants crossing the sea on their carts, as through armed struggle; yesterday Ben Laden and Al Qaeda and Talibans today, more with their followers and imitators.
An Islamic philosophy itself does not exist: Averroes and Avicenna have done nothing but explain Aristotle. the one to explain and the other to oppose to him. Muslims do not even have a theology, in the sense that they do not apply the Western habit of examining and rationally interpret the scriptures with the philosophical technique.
Therefore Islam did not made the cultural leap at instead has characterized Europe and the entire West, because it can't do it. by its very intrinsic constitution
For them there was no Reformation or Counterreformation; and the Illuminism, while positive for civilization despite its excesses and distortions defects, has not even touched them.
And Islam is also full of prejudice towards us. this writer asked years ago a Moroccan waiter what did he think about the women of the country where he worked. He replied, "they are all whores and I did not even look at."
I do not know if he's right, but his view is for a mindset rather Retro Humor, we perhaps surpassed.
Do you think that people like that do not have the temptation to try to destroy us if the opportunity is favorable? And today precisely the opportunity presents itself, thanks to monstrous political mistakes made by the US administrations always, purporting to apply the way they think, to whom is unable to understand it.
In these few lines I try to summarize the main data about Islam, taken from an encyclopedia written decades ago, so at a not suspect time. If someone has to refute arguments, correct mistakes, add considerations pro or against another, can safely use the link to my facebook blog in the same section of political philosophy referring to is article .... or better email me.
The Islam history is very complex, and can't be summarized in a few pages. Here we try to give a summary, enough to understand what Islam is to those who know little or nothing about the subject. Purists will forgive me.
Islam is a monotheistic religion revealed the first time in the Arabian Peninsula in the town higiazena of Mecca in the seven century of the Christian era, through the work of Muhammad (Mohammed), considered by Muslims the last prophet sent by God (Allāh) to the world to reaffirm definitively the revelation, announced for the first time to Adam (Ādam), the first man.
Clearly it's a ripoff of Hebrew Bible and Gospel together, in order to give a monotheistic religion and a political unity to nomads and Arabs.
YEAR 1 of Islam era is e 622 DC on July 16 at the beginning of the lunar year in which ordinary happened the flight of Mohammed from Mecca, that is, 1st Muharram.
It is the Arabic word hiǵrah ("emigration, secession"), which indicates precisely the abandon of Mecca made in September 622 d. C. by Muhammad and his companions, when he had lost all hope to win the hostility that his preaching met by oligarchy of Quraish Meccan tribe, to which he himself belonged.
From Mecca, a journey on which the vicissitudes rear legendary tradition has much embroidered, the Prophet came to Medina, where he developed relations and signed agreements that allowed him to settle freely, as head of a new community, in a sense a referee of the local Madinan situation.
That year, that of the "migration" (us corresponding to 622 AD.) was later chosen under the Caliph Omar, as Muslim era beginning ( the "Hegira", or even "hiǵrah"), which constituted the year 1.
From that time Muslims count the years, just as we count the years from the birth of Jesus Christ. So for them the year 2015 is 1394 AH..
From 632 up to 1924 the political Islam has grown in the caliphate, which is a form of government, at the head of which is a Caliph. This term comes from the Arabic: (Khilafa), which means "succession", "Lieutenancy", and refers to the system of government adopted the same day of of Muhammad's death.
The Caliphate is the political unity of the Muslims, or the Umma. A synonym of Caliph is the term "commander of the believers" (Amir al-Mu'minin), political rather than spiritual successor of Muhammad in his function as head of the Umma. In his capacity, the caliph is 'pro tempore' representative of Allah on earth.
Its establishment is not provided in the Koran nor by the Prophet Sunna and the term "constitution" - or Medina's "rescript," or "Agreement" (Arabic: ṣaḥīfa, liter. "Sheet") of the year 1 'AH - is a quite an improper translation of what was an agreement signed between various components of Yarib to regulate the coexistence between Muslims, Jews and Gentiles.
Here aside is Abdülmecid II, the last Caliph.. Son of the Sultan, he was born in Istanbul May 29, 1868 and died in Paris on 23 August 1944. He was the last Caliph of the Ottoman dynasty, the 101 after Abu Bakr, and 37th head of the Ottoman imperial house.
Today we see continuing e millenary and almost always' bloody struggle between these two large groups which divide the Islamic religion: one called Sunni and e other Shiite.
Sunna is tradition that integrates, the Koran and replaces it when there aren't adequate Koranic steps.
Sunnis are followers of orthodox Islam, that make up the majority (about 90%). Since the middle of the first century of the Hegira, they took that name to claim that they alone were the very followers of the tradition, or Muhammad's sunna, while Shiites follow one of his descendants.
The first feature of Sunnis was recognition of the legitimacy of the first four elective caliphs. The fourth caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib, suspected of murdering his predecessor, clashed in the year 656 with Aisha, the Mohammed Prophet wife, defeating in the 'Camel's Battle' the opposition movement she had organized.
Then Ali faced Muawiya, governor of Syria and clan leader to which belonged the assassinatedUmayyad caliph : the armies of the two rivals clashed in 657 in the plain of Siffin. The fate of Muawiya seemed compromised when one of his men concocted a ruse that reversed the tide of battle. Muawiya asked an "arbitrage" and Ali accepted, sparking between his supporters two opposite reactions. Some accused him of weakness and left his ranks: are "those who left", the Kharijites. Others argued Ali and became known as Shiites.
The Muawiya's supporters assumed the name of Sunnis ("those of e Sunna") .
They are the ones that appeal to Sheikh Ali ibn Abi Talib, or Islamic minorities (from shī'at 'Alī, "the faction of' Alī»). Their origin dates back to the death of the Prophet (632) following the tradition of Muhammad descendants. They are divided into three main parts:
- Zaydi, representing the address less far from orodox Sunni Islam in the political and legal;
- Imamates or Twelvers. moderate, the most numerous and politically important;
- Ismaili or Bateneyites, the further away from orodoxy
Islamism is a totalitarian religion of universal nature and, rightly considered, the main reason for the redemption of the Arab nation, because in very short time expanded either through war or Arab traders all over the known world.
Using weapons it was brought in Sicily and Spain, where big cultural relics has been left especially in large buildings like the Alhambra of Granada and the Alcazar of Sevilla. In modern times, the Turkish army arrived at the gates of Vienna in the eighteen century, but were stopped, just as happened at Lepanto in 1571.
Spread of Islam: for faithful's numbers Islam (with all its variants) is at second place with 1.57 billionl, after Christianity that, with all its variants, has 2.1 billion.
Islam has the most marked increase in the number of adhesions between the various religions.
13% of Muslims live in Indonesia, which is also e most populous Muslim country, 25% in Souyh Asia, 20% in the Middle East and 15% in sub-Saharan. Considerable Minorities are also found in Europe China, Russia and e Americas. |
The Islam is divided into 2 parts:
- Dar al-islam or "Islam Territory"
- Dar al-harb or il "War territory", is the set of countries outside the dar al-Islam, against whom the war is legitimate.
Islam is one of the most penetrating missionary religions. In less than a century after its foundation it extended from India to Spain by the war and by Arab merchants. Currently it'is very much alive not only in the Arab countries, but also in Africa and in the East. It has many followers in North America (the famous black Muslims, a subversive force) and West Africa and Eastern Europe.
The Islam's territory includes those where the Islamic religion is professed and those who once were occupied by Arab armies, such as Sicily and Spain .
Around the DAR AL ISLAM there's DAR AL HARB, that is 'the warzone', which to turn into DAR AL ISLAM it is right when possible.
The enemies who convert to the Islamic faith are welcome into the faithfuls community, while those who refuse are subject to the 'conquest by force' or 'conquest for treaties'. In this case, the 'people of the book' it is Jews and Christians become 'protected' if they pay a property tax. Later is concession also broadened idolaters, even here only for economic convenience.
Tolerance towards followers of other religions, however, is generally very poor, especially where they have no protection or defense. Today the persecution of Christians by Muslims is appalling, with thousands of martyrs every year. Even in Turkey, which in theory would like join to EU is difficult to practice the Christian faith.
In countries such as Saudi Arabia every different religion is prohibited, on pain of death. For some decades later, Islamic extremists are waging no stop war with those who oppose them, including 'moderate' Muslim.
Also in place it is a unbridled immigration, with potential terrorists import, of people with primitivebehaviors and without freedom ideas.
Islàm (wi emphasis on the last syllable, is a verbal noun translated "submission, abandonment, total surrender [of self to God]," which comes from the root aslama, causal conjunction of salima ("be yourself or in a safe state") , and is connected to salaam ("peace").
In religious language, the concept is translated as the paraphrase: "enter a state of peace and security with God through submission and surrender to Him"
In the Qur'an sometimes it takes on the characteristic of an inner quality of the faithful: "Allah opens his heart to Islam to those he wants to drive"; otherwise connect Islām and Din, roughly translated "religion".
"Today I have perfected your religion [Din], I have for you and completed My favor and I am pleased with Islam as a religion for you".
Still others describe Islam as "the act of returning to God," rather than verbal statement of faith. the word Islam, therefore, is not linked to a personality or an ethnic group, but the central idea of his religious belief.
Nel Hadi of Gabriel (Jibril Hadi) Islam is presented as part of a triad of Iman ("faith" ) and Ihsan ("excellence"), where the theological definition of Islam would be the Tawhid, the historical affirmation of faith in the Muhammad Prophethood , the doctrine in respect of the Five Pillars of faith ..
The five Pillars of Faith
The Arkān al-Islām ("Pillars of Islam") are those absolutely mandatory duties for every practicing Muslim (pubescent and healy in body and mind) to be able to define itself a Muslim.
these are:
- la shahāda, or "witness" of faith (statement, expressed with the right intention, the existence in God One and Only, and in the Muhammad Prophethood );
- la ṣalāt, canonical prayer by making five times a day at specific times (Awqat) that are scanned by the lure of mu'adhdhin (muezzin) operating in mosques (now often replaced by recordings spread with speakers);
- la zakāt, (alms) voluntarily donated to poor people, charitable organizations. (da'wa);
- Ṣawm ramaḍān or fasting - from sunrise to sunset - during the lunar month of Ramadan for those who are unable to support it without appreciable health problems;
- Canonical pilgrimage to Mecca and surroundings, during the lunar month of Dhū -al-Hijjah, for who is able to support it physically and economically.
The 6 Pillar of Faith
In environments such as Shiite, Sunni-Kharijite & Hanbali you can add a sixth pillar: the jihād, but if in the sense of "greater jihād" (akbar, says the law), aimed at combating the worst aspects of the human soul.
It's also accepted by each school of Sunni thought as a potential six pillar in it's sense of "sacred trust armed" but is so full of conditions and restrictions do not allow the "lesser jihad" (Asghar) to be accepted purely and simply by madhhab Hanafi, Maliki and Shafi as the sixth of Arkan al-Islām.
This thing is very doubtful, because to know well this subject one should learn Arabic and read the Koran in the original edition, without deformation.
One has to understand 3 terms as follows
1) Aqida :is theology fixing the dogmas, and states what a Muslim must believe
2) Sharīa: is the revealed law as embodied in Koran and Sunna, that prescribes to believers what should or should not do
3) Fiqh: reading the Sharia, way leading forward with a view to understanding exactly. It's translated as 'science of law', that allows the scrupulous respect of the Sharia and indicates how one should behave according to the Muslim religion.
Therefore it follows that the Islamic law is not an autonomous branch of science, but one aspect of the religion of Islam. Such as Judaism, Islam is a 'religion of the law'.
The sources of law are thus exclusively religious and are listed hereunder
- Qur'an – the basis of Muslim law and consists of the revelations made by Allah to the last of His prophets, Muhammad.
The legal content of the Qur'an is founding a number of verses ('Legal verses')
- verses regulating personal status (n. 70)
- the civil law (n. 70)
- the criminal law (n. 30)
- the procedure (no. 13)
- Concerning the constitution (n. 10)
- Economy and finances (n. 10)
- Relevant to international right (n. 25)
- Sunna – it narrates lifestyle and behavior of the prophet, to serve as a guide to the believers, and is composed by all the ahādīt, the traditions relating to words and deeds of Muhammad, recorded by an unbroken chain of intermediaries
- Ig’iād– Interpretative effort that has allowed to construct a theory of the relationship between
revelation (Qu'ran-Sunna) and human reason.
It serves to systematize a mechanism for intellectual legitimizing a practice which allows to solve new cases, still reconnecting to e general principles contained in the first sources, Koran and Sunna
- Ig’mā’ - Unanimous agreement of the lawyers. It differs from usual because it doesn't requires the consent of the believers' crowd or the correspondence to the common sense of all members of the community.
The required:
unanimity is that of competent people, whose agreement gives legal force of law to the solution unanimously agreed .
- Qiyās - Reasoning by analogy, is understood as a way of interpretation and application
of right. It's quite dangerous if not correctly intended, as in this example : I'm smoking, the Paris' chimneys smoke too. then I'm a Paris' Chimney.
- Fiqh -defined as the knowledge of Sharia fourfold division of human actions. To the Muslim law, in fact, every action can be traced to a particular category.
There are five categories, such at an act may be:
- DUTY / MANDATORY: its execution is rewarded; his carelessness is punished
- RECOMMENDED / NOT RECOMMENDED: its performance is rewarded, but its omission is not punished
- ALLOWED / LEGITIMATE: his esecuton or omission are neither rewarded nor punished
- REPRENSIBLE / ADVISED TO: not punishable legally, religiously but must be avoided
- PROHIBITED / AVOIDED: prohibited act and punishable under law
SPREAD - APPLICATION - Modernization (Westernization?)
The submission of the State to the principles of Islamic law is proclaimed by the Constitution in Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Mauritania, Syria, Yemen, Iran, Pakistan, Sudan, Egypt.
Islamic law has always recognized authority to take measures to maintain order in society . Today this regulatory power is exercised increasingly, to develop new branches.
For example we have e constitutional right, administrative law, commercial, procedural, criminal and labor, who have been influenced by prestige models of civil law or common law.
But that is NOT true on issues concerning personal status (persons, family and successions). The Governement do not has the power to change the rules on the subject established by Islamic law,
but they can display them in a systematic way, by ensuring a work of consolidation.
In the practice of the so-called personal right. the moderate Islamic countries resort to tricks and fictions, and to adapting to the customs. Actually few Muslim countries have personal status codes (Syria, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Somalia, Algeria, Kuwait), while others, including Turkey, which wants to join Europe.the Civil Code of Procedure has neglected the right of person / family / inheritance.
- The European Constitution does not include its Christian roots due to commercial and political opportunities.This is a waiver and definitly a betrayal..
- Probably Muslim countries will never recognize the independence of State and Religion, as we do instead.
- Admitting Turkey in the European Union is a big mistake. Temporarily that could give economic benefits, but probably we will pay it dearly.
In Europe the cultural diversity between east and west, north and south is large and doesn't need more disintegrating injections.
- The over-representation of Muslims in our Western societies is risky, since they can't be integrated without sacrificing the Koran precepts. In the event of crisis and weakness of the State that will be a serious danger to the current way of life, because they would not lose the occasion to try destroying infidels.
- The crass ignorance of history and Christianity, our rampant relativism, laxity of morals, and the Christians lukewarm, makes it easy enough that many are convinced by lies talk or other convert and become Mohammedan. ignoring that thiis is an irreversible and risky decision .
Lino Bertuzzi
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I recently changed my password with a stronger one after experiencing changes in what I had written. The 'th' were deleted from the text and the html code, so width became 'width', the arthicle became 'e' and so on. Many sentences have been changed by introducing pleonasms and grammatical errors. I've found this all along mysite so I'm reviewing everything and I do not have time to add new things. At last I changed my provider. If you find some mistakes, excuse me please