ISLAMISM AND DIALOGUE. Chatting and processions - the gooders trap - Political errors by Lino P. Bertuzzi - Roma Aug,08, 2014 |
POLITICS I do not think, however, that such wise philosophical considerations take into account the tribal customs of people who are mentally remained to the Middle Ages. On the other hand as it is also called in the Gospel LC 14, 31.32: or what king, going to make war against another king, sitting down, does not first take advice if he is able with ten thousand (men) to meet the other who comes against him with twenty thousand? If not, while he is still far away, sending an embassy, he asks him (conditions) of peace. It is not clear in what circumstances Jesus said these words. May have been a warning to those who willingly and enthusiastically offered themselves to follow him as disciples in the strict sense. So these words were a warning to properly evaluate a choice. But let's go back to politics: what happens if the other King is a warmonger and does not accept to negotiate? Jesus obviously here does not care about, but it is understood that the one who's in state of inferiority is intended to succumb.Better therefore to 'take advice' and not put yourself in a position to be weak, if you can. Those who know the story at least a little, know that the Ancient Romans, masters also in diplomacy and forging and breaking alliances and bringing kingdoms and tribes in their sphere of influence and fighting as little as possible, recommended the famous saying 'SI VIS PACEM PARA BELLUM'. They knew that to make policy the weight of economic streng is essential but mostly important is the weight of the military power, and that only if you are strong - not if you do only seem to be - you can possibly afford to be magnanimous. 'Parcere subiectis et debellare superbos'. CHATTING AND PROCESSIONS THE TRAP OF RELATIVIST GOODERS The Christian approach of a spiritual type or even simply strictly rational with these guys is wrong, says basically Magdi, because they only understand violence and oppression against the adversary, and talk only if they do not feel confident to win, otherwise they attack without mercy. So, no discounts to them, who understand only beatings and strength. THERE ARE MORE DIVISIONS BETWEEN ISLAMICs THAN BETWEEN VARIOUS CHRISTIAN CONFESSIONS. For example, I just do not understand what kind of Koran the Talibans study, given the brutality and the filth that are combining in the name of God, and because - in secret - they are even more corrupt than us. It remains to understand who are the ones who provide weapons to the Islamists of any 'confession'. Maybe we know? Who knows ... It is that too a 'state secret', by any chance? Our current Holy Father Pope Francis I , being Argentine and sincere holy man, he had really believed that contenders could come to an agreement. Just got back from the trip to Palestine, from Jerusalem, he did bring together at the Vatican some representatives of Israel and Palestinians. POLITICAL ERRORS (??) OF AN AFRO-AMERICAN PRESIDENT AND OF THE FRENCH CHAUVINIST. And Putin? Once admired by european leftist as the head of e KGB in Soviet Union, he is now hated by the leftists itself for having made commecial agreements with the former Italy's Prime minister Berlusconi and because doing good business with european industry. Sanctioned by the will of the fool Obama, is negotiating with the Chinese but also with another stupid, the Chancellor Merkel. (As I live in Italy let me hope that she will do not fuck again th italians!) THE EUPOPEANS? Let's beg to Jesus Christ and to the Blessed Mary, Queen of heaven and earth, to intercede for us because we do not pay the penalty of our substantial atheism and of our generalized cowardice, and please to avert another senseless slaughter. And please let's stop saying about certain relationships that occur between people of the same sex to be called a 'marriage' (Nun ce pònno sfinì così!) (#),Cristiano Magdi Allam is an italian journalist. Born in Egypt by egyptian parents, he has beeen educated there by italian Salesians. He has got the italian citizenship and has been baptized by the former Holy Father Benedict XVI in St. Peter Church af Rome. Note to the reader,
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