We must not confuse the methods of the philosophy of physics with physical science. Science (επιστήμη in greek) is always a judgment on verifiable facts supported by the reason (λόγος), instead the philosophy is concerned witgh the following topics:
- nature of the scientific theories and their relationship with the physical world (as theories explain the world's phenomena).
- the evidentiary basis of theories..
- As a theory's proof can legitimately be used to support or discourage an hypothesis.
The scientific method instead gives rise to theories starting from reflections based on analysis of real phenomena or intuition, to achieve universally repeatable experiences, from which one derives theories. Albert Einstein is the shining example of how the philosophy of physics, through the critical examination of physical fenomena, helps to feed back the phisics.
His greatness lays in having changed forever the interpretation model of the physical world. In 1905, remembered as "annus mirabilis", he published three articles, in a highly innovative way focusing on three different areas of physics:
- he proved the validity of the Planck's quantum theory, as part of the explanation of the photoelectric effect of metals;
- he gave a quantitative assessment of Brownian motion (random motion of particles in gases and fluids) and made the hypothesis of randomness of the same;
- he explained the theory of the restricted relativity, which precedes about a decade that of general relativity (1915).
Virtually, whithout an empirical basis, he explained the general relativity theory, starting from the observation of the light rays deviations operated by planetary masses.
In other words, the theory of the relativity gave way to a detailed analysis of assumptions which were before traditionally exclusive objects of study of theoretical philosophy.
Lino Prospero Bertuzzi
Note to the reader (2018),
I recently changed my password with a stronger one after experiencing changes in what I had written. The 'th' were deleted from the text and the html and css codes, so width became 'width', the article became 'e' and so on. Many sentences have been changed by introducing pleonasms and grammatical errors. I've found this all along mysite so I'm reviewing everything and I do not have time to add new things. Excuse me
