INTRODUCTION (by Lino Bertuzzi)
We publish here a condensed of the 'lectio magistralis' held in Bergamo e October, 5, 2015 by Prof. Franco Poterzio, written by Alfonso Guijarro. This is not a real piece of ethical philosophy, or morals, because the professor is a famous psychiatrist, and experienced psychotherapist and expert in anthropology, but it is useful to invite focusing some aspects of private and social life that ethics and morals are closely related to.
After speeches by Renato Bresciani, Angelo Compare and Riccardo Bettiga, spoke the Professor Franco Poterzio. His was a wonderful lesson, which opened more important issues, stimulating reflection on many aspects of life, both private and social, in the today's world.
Let me mention only a few ones:
- the psychological distress is relational and bounces on e other. Psychotherapy is an exchange of words, is a cognitive process, for connaturality: I know the man through the man. I do not have a thing in front of me, but someone.
"I know me through you, then you understand me, but I understand better myself as well"
- the erapist acts as a mirror. The patient becomes aware of problems in externalyzing by the dialogue. But what means do we have? Psychotherapy is very poor, just we ourselves. It needs a scientific approach, but we have not a model of the mind that makes up. the erapist needs to reflect on their own insights and think they can also make mistakes.
- there's the empay, that is not someing that can be taught . It's an experiential knowledge as well as scientific. One must be able to reflect on the experience that he has of the patient. This relationship must have an end, as for Dante and Virgil.
The professor then produced a long reflection on the problems of today, such as the unbalanced relationship between sexes.
In a mediatic society that insists on the woman as victim,
Poterzio presented the opposite flap; school girls are more developed than boys and in fact they are better. The kids, frustrated, have their revenge through pornography, sexual revenge of machism, sports, or they retire and make a homosexual choice.
The final destination for reaching a balanced view involves a kind of sexes' theology that is the sacred union of man and woman.
We recognize better our sex being with another. Professor Poterzio closes with an acrostic about love, in Italian AMORE, identifying each letter in a phase of marriage: A.M.O.R.E. Amore(Love), Monotony, Odio (hate), Respect, Eternity. "Only with you I can earn the eternal salvation."
Alfonso Guijarro Ottobre 2015
CRITICAL NOTE by Lino Bertuzzi.
Male's homosexuality in the past centuries was widthespread as much or more than today. Those who have studied history and literature - especially the classical one - knows how much it was developed in ancient Greece, or more recently in the Venice of the Serenissima Republic, or even in the Medici's Florence - not to mention the Nordic countries such as England. He also knows who attempts to counter it always had a poor success.
I do not think, however, that then kids were frustrated by the relationship with girls, but by many other aspects of life, because in past centuries women didn't study, and for the most part were considered then as breeding machines or for sex pleasure.
In this 'lectio'
It remains untouched the problem of female homosexuality, which is not even touched. (the professor perhaps tends to a few machism?).
