I was born in Palermo, due to family reasons and war events.

1970: is photo was shot when I had just left e army and joned e Italsider steel works establisment in Taranto.

1990: lived more than twenty years in Statte (TA). the town where now someone say most of cancer cases caused by ILVA steelworks. I was working there, and in Statte I was fine. A beautiful wind almost always blowing from the sea. So what? Perhaps in Germany need to stop a competitor, or someone seeks damages compensations or what? After ILVA I spent 4 more years in thyssen (once AST) Terni steekworks.

2004: photo is taken in Udine to be applied for a new driver's license. In fact, just arrived by train in at town, they stole my wallet. Luckily I had my passport in another pocket. However, to travelers going there I recommend: do not fall asleep on the train, do not get ever distracted, and hold properly tightened your own things.

2014 : time runs fast and doesn't forgive to anybody, so I do not put more photos