NPO for educational and social solidarity. since 1962

Father Evariste Alimange of order of the Servants of the Poor has been appointed to a Parish located in the forest by the River Congo, it's the 'MÈRE OF MISERICORDE' - address: B.P. 16 Aru near Biringi, Democratic (!) Republic of Congo. There they are poorest and Father Alimange needs of all, especially medicines or any other help for his parishioners. To support its mission effectively we should get in touch with him. Helping him you help the local Church and the Missions. Ast It's impossible to reach him  with usual means, Usually I send him cash money by hands of someone of his confrere traveling there. I can do this because their order 'mother home' lays near my family's home.
Then you can get in touch with him by post sending your paper letter to Père Deogratias in Biringi, Congo Democratic Republic. But before one should phone him at 00243 824868291 asking him how you can send money.  I don't Know if it is suitable in the present situation to send money by banking ways, both for political or other motives. DONATIONS: One can donate by asking infos to

  1. mailto:msp.curia@katamail.com
  2. the institutional site (send a message from)

Subject: Aiuto a Padre Evariste Alimange - servo dei poveri
Message: Desidero inviare una donazione  in denaro contante a Padre Evariste Alimange per le opere della sua parrocchia  'Mère de Misericorde'  indirizzo: B.P. Aru,  Biringi Repubblica Democratica del Congo. Chiedo che mi sia indicato come fare. your name and address